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ionadelfina July 31 2021, 21:20:25 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]This movie was unsatisfying. It just dragged and dragged pretty much from the bandit scene to the final confrontation. Dev was great and it was an aesthetically beautiful film but I didn’t like it. I thought the sequence with the lord and lady in the castle would be more significant (and more homoerotic). I liked the vision at the end though.


sandstorm July 31 2021, 21:33:43 UTC
I get that and I understand how people were disappointed. A24 advertised a movie that they didn't deliver. They delivered a different one.


deeohaytch July 31 2021, 22:06:10 UTC
Just like Midsommar all over again


genbu_no_miko24 August 20 2021, 05:01:13 UTC
Yeah the trailer made it look more epic than what it was.


sandstorm July 31 2021, 21:39:33 UTC
Also yes like [Spoiler (click to open)] I wondered why early reviews weren't talking about the homoeroticism that's in the book, then I saw it like "WELP it's not even IN THERE, so I guess there's nothing to talk about!"


ionadelfina July 31 2021, 21:44:13 UTC
Mte like [Spoiler (click to open)]how is a movie made in 2021 less gay than it's 6th century source material. Come on now.


cigarettelover July 31 2021, 21:48:42 UTC
Oh boooo :(


wellalr1ght July 31 2021, 21:50:48 UTC
I need to read the source material now, that's disappointing though!


sandstorm July 31 2021, 21:53:43 UTC
There's a loooot of translations so it's gonna vary. I just listened to the one on Spotify on Tales.


wellalr1ght July 31 2021, 21:55:35 UTC
I bought a copy of the poem but I know I'm going to need help with my own interpretation of it anyway so I should listen to that too lol


ohwutevernvm August 1 2021, 01:52:47 UTC
There were definitely undertones and allusions to that for sure though. I gave it so much thought


wellalr1ght July 31 2021, 21:53:51 UTC
Agreed that it wasn't the film the trailers promised and now I'm curious to read the actual poem now to see what they left out and how they reshaped everything!


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