Dune, Halloween Kills among films headlining Venice Film Festival lineup

Jul 26, 2021 09:49

Venice Film Festival Unveils Lineup (Updating Live) https://t.co/7OCOJ6uovR
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) July 26, 2021
The Venice Film Festival has announced its lineup for this year and its looking like fire ( Read more... )

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laceandskin July 26 2021, 14:32:13 UTC
Dune fans, can I watch the new Dune movie without knowing anything about it? My coworker is super excited about it and we always talk about stuff that we watched so I want to be able to keep up when he tells me his thoughts. HBOMax has the older Dune but it looks like everyone hates it so I didn't watch it.


molkat July 26 2021, 14:49:22 UTC
Most likely yes. While it's a popular book, there's not enough people who have read it for them to make a movie that directly caters specifically to that crowd. Also the fact they've split it into two movies hints that some effort is being taken to build up the world versus just blasting through the plot without knowing why things are happening.

If you do want some exposure I'd recommend hunting down the old SciFi channel mini series instead of David Lynch's Dune.


januarysix July 26 2021, 15:52:03 UTC
lol I love the old Dune. I don't get the hate. It was fun and imaginative.


espressotorte July 26 2021, 16:03:28 UTC
Lynch's version is great on visuals and iconic dialogue moments, but it won't help a ton in understanding the story and Dune universe


scriptedending July 26 2021, 16:19:21 UTC
Yeah, I went to a thing recently where they showed the first ten minutes of the new movie, and they have Zendaya give a little exposition dump voiceover at the beginning that helps give context to the start of the film. They definitely want non-readers to watch.


agentsoup July 26 2021, 21:20:10 UTC
Was this the preview thing at theaters some folks were talking about last week? How was it? Whatd they show you?


scriptedending July 26 2021, 21:29:46 UTC

As someone who's been looking forward to the film since it was announced, it was a fun experience. Tickets were free, you just had to sign up and show up earlyish for good seats.

They showed us some brief interviews with the actors, the first ten minutes of the film, ten minutes or so of footage from later in the film, a conversation between the director and Hans Zimmer about the music from the film, and then the new trailer, which came out online the next day. It was about a half an hour of content in total, and our screening was at the biggest IMAX in LA, so it was super immersive. We went to our usual IMAX a few days later and I think it's like 1/2 the size, lol.


agentsoup July 26 2021, 21:44:24 UTC
That's awesome! Are you allowed to share your take on the footage? I have faith in Villaneuve but it sounds like Dune is a beast of a story. What was the score like? Was the event to hype the project or was it like a test audience thing?

Sorry for so many ??s. I'm so interested in how this movie turns out.


scriptedending July 26 2021, 22:01:26 UTC
No problem, I love talking about things I enjoy ( ... )


agentsoup July 27 2021, 02:56:00 UTC
That sounds reassuring. Thanks for sharing!


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