Jackass Star Viciously Attacked by Shark During Clout-Chasing Stunt

Jul 15, 2021 21:14


A man who calls himself "Poopies" got attacked by a shark while filming a stunt involving... you know, a shark. The dipshit was wakeboarding in shark-infested water in Florida when a shark bit off his hand. Yes, his entire damn hand.

The whole thing was captured on video. WARNING: it's graphic. [Dumbass alert]

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reality show celebrity, who asked for this, reality show - mtv, nobody

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melispurple July 16 2021, 03:18:37 UTC
I've heard humans aren't very tasty to sharks, so maybe that saved his life. It nibbled on him and was like, nah.


josiefier July 16 2021, 04:44:32 UTC

100% true. That's why most people only lose an arm or leg or hand rather than actually being eaten.


briecheesie July 16 2021, 06:18:39 UTC
It's not that they don't like the taste per se; sharks tend to bite out of curiosity, rather than anything else. It's a myth that they're just big dumb meat eaters who confuse us with their usual prey. They bite us to figure out if we're worth eating and they're smart enough to realize that boney/muscular prey is less calorie-dense and harder to digest than prey made of blubber. Add to that the human tendency to fight back and, nine times out of ten, a shark will just be like "no fuck this noise" and peace out after the first bite. We ain't worth the hassle 😢


blazingeternity July 16 2021, 10:39:20 UTC
This. I watched a Swiss shark documentary (low-budget but super informative) a while ago, and they compared it to how dogs and other animals would lick or nibble on something they don't know yet. Only that sharks are so much stronger and have thousands of sharp teeth... That's why you don't mess with sharks, even a curious nip will cost you a leg. And I respect that. Sharks have a tough enough life already, I'll say Hi from the coast but not meddle with their business!


curdlesnoots July 16 2021, 14:29:09 UTC
Aww, poor sharks. I remember reading something about juvenile great white sharks being more dangerous because they’re more curious so go around biting everything. It reminded me of when kids accidentally squash bugs because they want to look closer at the pretty thing…sometimes you’re the shark, sometimes you’re the bug.


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