David Harbour Hated ‘Stranger Things’ Family Dog So Much He Requested It Be Killed Off

Jul 15, 2021 14:57

David Harbour Hated ‘Stranger Things’ Family Dog So Much He Requested It Be Killed Off https://t.co/6iRIL956za
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) July 15, 2021

Basically, the dog was not well trained and it got under Harbour’s skin big time.

“Take after take it would wander off or do something,” the actor said. “And then I remember the trainer on the sidelines going, ‘Come on! We got to make our money!’ Yeah, I walked up to them and I was like, ‘You know, the Byers should probably have that dog put to sleep next season.'”

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he's obviously being facetious
has there ever been a dog you hated, ontd?

stranger things (netflix)
