Gillian Anderson declares she no longer wears bras

Jul 14, 2021 19:36

Gillian Anderson is going viral on social media after declaring she will no longer be wearing bras and doesn't care if her breasts reach her belly button! Watch the clip:
- (@JustJared) July 14, 2021

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gillian anderson

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syphilisdiller July 15 2021, 03:40:30 UTC
How many women do you know that need to point out every time they notice a lady not wearing a bra?

I know several, and I think it's the dumbest thing.


rubie_dubidoux July 15 2021, 03:44:55 UTC
oh ew I don't know any who do that

my mom used to work in proximity to Bill Richardson and he used to give lots of shoulder massages to women to determine if they were wearing one. not sure whether he wanted them to be or not, but ew


palmerraids July 15 2021, 18:45:30 UTC
my mom used to work in proximity to Bill Richardson and he used to give lots of shoulder massages to women to determine if they were wearing one. not sure whether he wanted them to be or not, but ew

I just KNEW that dude was a skeazy asshole before the whole Epstein ties :/


tucker July 15 2021, 03:52:09 UTC
It’s giving me “your bra strap is showing! 😧” energy


rubie_dubidoux July 15 2021, 03:53:21 UTC
oh god war flashbacks


adb7 July 15 2021, 04:19:46 UTC
I hate when people mention this in a state of panic. We'll all survive seeing a bra strap.


laurondo July 15 2021, 05:00:13 UTC
My niece was once that person, lol. People climbed up her ass about it


srslyy July 15 2021, 12:37:35 UTC
Yeah pretty ridiculous


eatmydustbinns July 15 2021, 15:00:27 UTC
Hahaha ugh I was that kid, and here I am today purposely showing colorful straps like the town hussy.


anolinde July 16 2021, 00:31:38 UTC
Lmaooo when me and my friends were in middle school we used to have a ~code~ for it that was "It's snowing in Hawaii!" We thought we were so cool haha. Now it's like, anyone who's actually upset about seeing a bra strap... seriously?


lolzerz July 15 2021, 04:07:53 UTC
ew, none. and if i did i wouldnt talk to them anymore


bloodrivendream July 15 2021, 10:23:07 UTC
My mother.


mwffj July 15 2021, 12:09:59 UTC
In 5th grade, when my own boobies were just coming in so I wasn't really sure if I should be wearing a bra, this girl who sat behind me in class just suddenly shouts out "Mrs. [Teacher]! Mwffj isn't wearing a bra!" And I swear to god the entire class turned to look at me.

Bless that teacher though because without missing a beat she said "Thank you, [girl's name]. I'm sure Mwffj appreciates you pointing that out to everyone."


rubie_dubidoux July 15 2021, 15:59:23 UTC
I had the exact opposite ordeal - when I started middle school I hadn't even come close to hitting puberty and therefore had no reason to wear a bra, but apparently every single other girl in sixth grade had gotten the memo that they should still be wearing one anyway so the very rich popular girl (whose family runs a national wine brand bearing their name, just to add a bit of color to this story) loudly made fun of me in front of the entire locker room during PE that I was a creep and a weirdo for having my bare boobs (if you could even call them that) out in front of everyone. like... I was 10/11 at this point. fuck off


rubie_dubidoux July 15 2021, 16:00:06 UTC
I don't know why LJ isn't letting me edit my comment but that should say I had the SAME ordeal lol


my_moloko July 15 2021, 18:51:00 UTC
My mom is definitely one of those people. "You're doing the Jersey bounce!"


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