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sandstorm July 10 2021, 21:47:51 UTC
I am terrified of possibly ending up in a cult. Like you said, it's not stupid people, it's people who may be stressed , not likely to make good decisions, or already part of a community (think religion - every so often I'm reminded of my acquaintance who was highly christian like the rest of her family, yet she somehow ended up in a cult via her church and her family hasn't seen her for about 4 years. There are people on street corners with microphones preaching scripture and it scares me to pieces bc of her).

Also what a post to see immediately after I watch Hereditary for the first time!


hjalmartazar July 10 2021, 22:05:16 UTC
Did you like Hereditary?


sandstorm July 10 2021, 22:11:07 UTC
I respect what it did. "Like" may be too strong. Asher has a style. If I hadn't read the synopsis years ago, or seen Midsommar beforehand, I would have been more shocked. Toni is wonderful and I think people slept on Nat's performance.


sandstorm July 10 2021, 22:19:13 UTC
That being said, I was still like "What the fuck" at a lot of the second half.


alienjive July 10 2021, 23:22:06 UTC
Do you mean Alex Wolff, not Nat??? Cause you’re right Alex is amazing in that movie.


sandstorm July 10 2021, 23:25:53 UTC
Oops, well, whichever one he is.


beanstew July 10 2021, 22:22:27 UTC
hereditary and midsommar are such good movies! i personally think midsommar had the better/more complete story, but on a personal level i can never get over the gloom of hereditary and toni's amazing performance.


danne_gerous July 12 2021, 03:58:29 UTC
I grew up in an evangelical fundamentalist cult. They prey on the vulnerable. People like to think they are too smart, too worldly to fall into the trap but all they have to do is find you at a vulnerable time and use bait that appeals to your situation. That's it.


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