Scarlett Witch, Captain America & Loki promoting the new Hyundai Tucson.

Jun 28, 2021 13:04

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In today's Get-that-paycheck news... Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie and Tom Hiddleston are reprising their roles as Scarlett Witch, Captain America and Loki to promote Hyundai's new SUV.


ONTD, have you ever done a shitty job because the paycheck was good?

tom hiddleston, anthony mackie, the avengers, marvel, elizabeth olsen

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numbedtoe June 28 2021, 19:57:17 UTC
You know those motherfucks are all breathing a sign of relief today they hadn’t gotten a sponsorship deal with Toyota.

(Toyota has been outed a sponsor of the big lie, ie that our election was stolen for our overseas friends. So they are pro republicans, and pro
Mango and turtle demons. Prius owners are pisssssssed.)


inkstainedlips June 28 2021, 20:01:39 UTC
"Prius owners are pisssssssed"

Accurate lol.


umilicious June 28 2021, 20:30:45 UTC
WAIT, WHAT?! I was just about to go out and buy a Toyota hybrid this weekend! brb reading up on this now because I don’t think I can give my money to them if that’s true


numbedtoe June 28 2021, 20:37:19 UTC
It’s sadly true. Good luck on the new search cause I know it can be a real pia.

Or you can hang onto the money and when the company inevitably back peddles like coke and others, there should be some big sales. Yay capitalism!


umilicious June 29 2021, 05:18:20 UTC
Yay capitalism indeed. My coworker has a newer Toyota and is disappointed, but I told her that it’s a bit different because she already owns it and that she needs a car. But I’m still in the shopping around phase, and while it may not be a lot to some people, it’s more than I’ve ever spent on my life, and I’m not comfortable with giving that much of what I’ve saved to a company that supports conspiracy peddlers.


numbedtoe June 29 2021, 09:22:22 UTC
I don’t blame you a bit. I wouldn’t give them my money. And it is a huge purchase. You need something you feel comfortable with when you are behind the wheel and that meets safety standards and your personal ones.

Shopping for a car was, for me, a pain in the ass and I still managed to find everything I wanted in a freakishly weird way.


elevatorshaker June 28 2021, 23:45:43 UTC
Toyota opposed adopting California's emission standards a few years ago. Honda, Ford, Volkswagen, and BMW were for it.


umilicious June 29 2021, 05:19:26 UTC
Thank you for the info! I was already looking at Honda, so that’s good to know. :)


dracorouge July 4 2021, 12:26:53 UTC

I’m currently at my third Honda and I have been recommending this brand for years (13 to be precise). They know how to make reliable and awesome cars.


peddlestools June 28 2021, 23:55:21 UTC
Buy a Honda Civic

I've had the same one since 2007 and it's still going strong


umilicious June 29 2021, 05:20:20 UTC
Thanks for the rec! I’ll definitely look into it :)


magicpebble June 28 2021, 20:34:38 UTC
Yeah we bought a Toyota Rav4 Hybrid earlier this year and I am pissed, definitely would not have had I known about this.


wowsolovely June 28 2021, 20:53:44 UTC
Accurate always wanted a Prius but they discontinued the one I wanted to got a Kia hybrid instead. Dodged a bullet (for now)


winter_lace June 29 2021, 08:26:34 UTC
holllllyyy shit. My mum will be DEVESTATEd. She loves toyotas


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