Sharon Stone talks about Meryl Streep

Jun 22, 2021 20:22

Find out what Sharon Stone had to say about Meryl Streep and Hollywood that's since gone viral
- (@JustJared) June 22, 2021

-Thinks Meryl is a great woman and actress but thinks Hollywood is set up so only Meryl can be “the good one” and everyone else is compared to her. Thinks Hollywood does this to women on purpose.

-Lists Viola Davis, Emma Thompson, Olivia Coleman, and others as “just as good” as Meryl.

-Says both she (Sharon) and Meryl know that Sharon is the better villain. Says Meryl would not have been good in Casino or Basic Instinct.

ONTD, is Meryl really the best actress alive?

viola davis, black celebrities, meryl streep, actor / actress
