Anthony Mackie addresses the Sam/Bucky romance rumors

Jun 17, 2021 22:46

#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier's Anthony Mackie addresses the Sam/Bucky romance rumors: "So many things are twisted and convoluted. There's so many things that people latch on to with their own devices to make themselves relevant and rational."
- Variety (@Variety) June 17, 2021
“So many things are ( Read more... )

anthony mackie, marvel

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peddlestools June 17 2021, 21:23:39 UTC
Or they could be bisexual idk

Honestly, people ship characters that barely share screen time or make no sense canonically, and that's fine

Who cares

And as mentioned above, there WERE queerbaity scenes!! He acted in them, surely he remembers them?


lovelydress2087 June 18 2021, 00:18:06 UTC
As the writer of a Barty Crouch Jr. and Hermione fan fiction when I was a youth I can attest to how often you can just make shit up. Just let us live our lives Anthony.


pivotandsway June 18 2021, 01:11:52 UTC
wow that’s a new one for me. did you get a lot of hits?


lovelydress2087 June 18 2021, 01:26:09 UTC
I don't remember because it was going on almost two decades ago now (omg) but I do recall getting angry comments when I stopped writing it like half way through (sorry to those people but I was a teenager so I got distracted with literally anything and everything lol)


pivotandsway June 18 2021, 01:29:48 UTC
it would be so funny if you picked it back up i love getting notifications from old fic sites about stuff from like 15 years ago lmao. sorry people were jerks to you!


lovelydress2087 June 18 2021, 01:36:38 UTC
idek what username on a site I would have used lmao but that would be so funny. I do remember I wrote explicit AF sex scenes (which is probably why people were annoyed it was over) and like not to toot my own ho horn but I did have a high school bf so I was able to like accurately depict things unlike a lot of youthful fic writers. omg so much of this is coming back to my brain now. I bet it was taken down because of the sex because I do not recall pulling any punches. Whatevs these people need to learn how to google erotica because there are far more talented writers than I ever was.


pivotandsway June 18 2021, 01:44:26 UTC
i’m sure you were plenty talented lol and i cringe at how much inaccurate sex info i got as a youth reading gif so thank you for your service lmao but yeah working with books has taught there is and has always been a metric fckton of erotica out there lol the ppl are down bad


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