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waltzofthemoon June 8 2021, 15:38:22 UTC
Am I the only that feels super uncomfortable with the idea of marrying someone a decade older than me? Like the idea of my partner aging a lot faster than me kinda bums me out, to put it lightly.


sarahvma June 8 2021, 15:40:51 UTC
I mean, I feel like 10 years is probably the absolute max I'd be comfortable with for myself. And even then 35 is very different than 25.


mary_pickforded June 8 2021, 16:23:52 UTC
Yeah I think everyone should be weary of any age difference of more than like 1-2 years in your 20s, but once you hit 30 it gets a little more flexible.


xtinkerbellax June 8 2021, 15:52:01 UTC
Ten years doesn't bother me, but I get people not wanting the disadvantages that come with marrying someone much older.


gloeden2 June 8 2021, 15:57:35 UTC
Depends on how much money they plan on leaving me.


marzipanism June 8 2021, 16:26:30 UTC
Yeah tbh. My husband is 10 yrs older than me. I never planned on dating or marrying someone that much older. Neither did he. And now my only concern in your relationship is that he's gonna leave me old and wrinkly and all alone :(


espressotorte June 8 2021, 16:50:17 UTC
I know I'm going to get shit for this, but I feel like at her age (I know because I'm there) the odds of you being in a relationship with someone exactly your age change a great deal.


weighty_ghost June 8 2021, 16:56:11 UTC
I feel that, most people my age (33) are married or in long term serious relationships. I am waiting for divorces to happen


espressotorte June 8 2021, 16:57:33 UTC
The pattern I've been noticing the past 10 years or so, a lot of people start divorcing at that age


jinxeh13 June 9 2021, 15:05:35 UTC
It makes me feel like such a pessimist, but same. I know people getting married this year or who were married recently where I'm like, "yeah, no way this doesn't end in divorce," just because we're at the age where people are starting to freak out about not already being married and having children so they're doing it to reach the milestone rather than because they're actually good with the person they're with. Meanwhile, a lot of people I know who got married soon out of high school are starting to divorce, or are already on their second marriages. (Though I know one girl on her third.)


hateistoodark June 8 2021, 20:16:24 UTC
Yup I’m 30 so my options are like divorced dads lmao


boomstick June 8 2021, 16:54:47 UTC
The older I get, the less I give a shit about age differences. An 18 year old dating a 28 year old is gross. But 35 and 45? It's fine.


rubie_dubidoux June 8 2021, 18:29:20 UTC
all this Olivia Rodrigo business has made me feel old af since I'm 10 years older than her, and now I'm looking even more askance at all the 35-year-olds I went out with when I was in my mid twenties lol

now that I'm 28, the idea of dating someone pushing 40 is for some reason so much weirder than me being 25 and them being 35 idk why, I feel like age gaps should become *less* awkward as I get older!


likeanunmadebed June 8 2021, 23:01:01 UTC
it creeps me out because the only experiences I've had with dudes a decade older than me have been unwanted BS from coworkers who don't understand boundaries

there was one dude I went to university with who was 5 years older and I was shocked I liked him and that he "didn't even seem that much older." nothing ended up happening between us but he definitely looks older to me now


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