Kate Winslet reveals her battle to stop airbrushing to sex up Mare of Easttown

Jun 01, 2021 14:45

As if I needed another reason to love Kate Winslet. https://t.co/MIaaKncdIe
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) June 1, 2021

-Kate Winslet recently revealed that she had to put her foot down when it came to the studio and director wanting to make her look more appealing via airbrushing.

-The director wanted to alter Kates "bulgy bit of belly" in a sex scene she had during the show.

-She also rejected several promotional pieces that were brought to her where they photoshopped her to look more appealing/sexier to the audience.

-She feels that the character not being glamorized helped the audience connect with her.


beauty / makeup, television - hbo, kate winslet, television
