We need to talk about The Bad Batch

May 13, 2021 00:02

DarligssS, did you already binge the first two episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch?

“That would be ✨dirt.✨” The first two episodes of Star Wars: #TheBadBatch are now streaming on @DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/W03xYsI90C
- Star Wars: The Bad Batch (@TheBadBatch) May 12, 2021
The show opens with Clone Force 99 as Order 66 has been given ( Read more... )

spoilers, disney, star wars

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chrryblssmninja May 13 2021, 05:18:12 UTC
I don't agree with the prev commenter's reading of Omega as being considered defective just for being female - when I was doing research for something different, I saw that cis males of humans can produce cis male and cis female clones, but cis females only produce cis female clones. (For example, in Orphan Black, the only male clone of the cis female main character is trans.)

(some see Omega's presence as reflection of a trans experience, especially with her somewhat gender-neutral appearance and placement within the clones. That is possible and valid, although some on tumblr say that she can only be trans female if she's a Jango clone and if she isn't trans it will be a hate crime and I'm like...don't want to stray out of my lane but it is scientifically possible, and this fiction seems to be following that)

Omega was specially...I don't like using this term but..."bred" for something that will probably be revealed in the show. She definitely had a special purpose.

the bigger issue other ppl have brought up, along with the other skintone issues with the clones, is why her hair and nose aren't like Jango's. She's a kid who isn't dying and changing her hair.
Even if she ends up being a "blend" of people, the design seems to be falling into an unfortunate trend of lightening/whitening design that has been going on since TCW.

I still like the character and her interactions with the others, so we'll see how the show progresses.


helyanwe89 May 13 2021, 11:56:37 UTC
I did not know that about cloning, that's really interesting. I agree - she doesn't even look like Jango so I wanted more explanation.


chrryblssmninja May 14 2021, 05:16:10 UTC
some are calling her "a whole-ass white girl" tho, and I'm like...change the hair and she could look like Keisha Castle-Hughes. don't count out kids who aren't whitewhite who still look like her

in some scenes they seem to be adjusting the skintones, and they made a vague statement about it, but as I said before, we'll see how it progresses


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