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scriptedending May 6 2021, 18:35:52 UTC
The reviews of Mainstream are godawful, but I kind of want to see it anyway. I like that Andrew Garfield is doing so much weird shit - it doesn't always work (hated Under the Silver Lake overall despite loving all the LA stuff), but I appreciate that he's doing his own thing.

Will probably check out Monster - I remember reading it in middle school, and though I have forgotten nearly all of it, I can't believe it took this long to adapt it.

The plot of Silo is something I personally find deeply terrifying even though I have never been within 50 feet of a grain silo and would literally never get in one for any reason. So no thanks @ that.

Will Jack Huston literally ever star in a good movie?? All signs point to no. :/

Mentioned this late in the Sunday FFA, but we went to see Golden Arm (one of the new releases from last week's post) and absolutely *loved* it. If you like comedy, or like Mary Holland and/or Betsy Sodaro, or like movies about female friendships, then I would highly recommend. I honestly went into it just because I like Mary and Betsy from seeing them do improv a million times, but it was so funny, had a bunch of great cameos, and it doesn't ever punch down, which I love.


thundergirl119 May 6 2021, 19:21:41 UTC
I really love the whole cast of Golden Arm, glad to hear its good- I'm so excited to watch it!


justbolognese May 7 2021, 11:37:37 UTC
Mainstream sounds like that Joe Keery movie where he kills people in a car for the internet or whatever, such hot takes on a time period that could be actually so interesting !
I'll definitely watch Golden Arm though, Mary Holland is sooo funny


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