Grabovoi codes, real life “cheat codes”, becoming viral on TikTok

May 05, 2021 20:26

Facebook postGrabovoi codes are “cheating codes” to input in the universe to influence it into granting whatever you’re desiring ( Read more... )

sure jan, science, viral

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statelines May 6 2021, 01:53:49 UTC
i got my heart ripped out by a guy i thought i would marry on monday

some sad depressed part of me wants to do this to see if he'd come back and we could fix things

but also nah


backwardsjoker May 6 2021, 01:59:51 UTC
I'm sorry bb, sending you all the best ❤️


statelines May 6 2021, 02:01:52 UTC
thank you 💜

i'm just mad i wasted almost 3 years of my life now.


backwardsjoker May 6 2021, 02:24:57 UTC
Not waste! I'm sure, regardless of how it ended, you've gained more perspective on what you want in this life, so I manifesting~ that this is the newest chapter if you life where you get those things ❤️


shittysoup May 6 2021, 02:00:23 UTC
ugh that's so rough. I'm sorry to hear that.


statelines May 6 2021, 02:03:13 UTC
how it ended is far more rough than it ending, honestly.

i'm sad and miss him and have cried a lot the last few days, but i also feel more relieved than i've felt in a long time.


hardtrash May 6 2021, 02:07:27 UTC
This was me last summer and less than a year later I feel much better and am taking care of myself in a way I never have. Things aren’t perfect but they’re way better than they were before. You’ll get there too but just cry it out for now 🌸


statelines May 6 2021, 02:11:30 UTC
That's truly what I'm hoping for. And I'm glad you came back even stronger, I bet you're going to get even stronger as more time passes. 💙


hardtrash May 6 2021, 02:46:55 UTC
I know it seems unlikely right now but before you know it that instinct to survive and even thrive will kick in and you’ll start to feel okay again. Thank you, I really hope so!! 💛


lolzerz May 6 2021, 02:13:24 UTC
its gonna feel like you're being run over everyday, but one day you will wake up and be like damn, i did NOT need that fella. it will happen. time is just going to test your patience until then.


mary_pickforded May 6 2021, 02:19:05 UTC
Absolutely. OP, one day you're gonna be like, "Whew! Bullet dodged! Blessing in disguise!".


nutmegdealer May 6 2021, 02:29:08 UTC
always remember that it's his loss, not yours. just focus on yourself and your life.
the weirdest thing is that people tend to come back once you don't care and are over the past. make sure you look hot as hell when you pretend not to know him.


filmstudent23 May 6 2021, 02:42:45 UTC
OK I was like this 6 months ago. Tried thinking about him, him coming back. He did. And I completely regret putting so much energy into the thought. I should've left it alone and never look back.
What I'm saying is, regardless of it (manifesting) working or not, it's not worth it. Move on, people get out of your life for a reason and I can guarantee you, something or someone better will come along.


chapter013 May 6 2021, 03:01:19 UTC
Tbh changed to 🔥 because you said nah. Right there. I'm sorry it happened, things like this suck so much. I wish you healing from this, I hope you have support. You are valid and you matter. Nothing he's said or done will or can change that. 💙💎


ljtryout May 6 2021, 03:33:31 UTC
Good riddance tbh.


missjersey May 6 2021, 04:00:27 UTC
Ugh I'm sorry. I've been there and it's not fun. Take care of yourself and take it day by day. You'll be okay and we're here for you bb ♥️


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