Shakira, Justin Bieber and other celebrities talk about Colombia's current situation

May 04, 2021 12:58

At least 19 people were killed and hundreds more injured during days of protests across Colombia, in which tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to demonstrate against a tax overhaul meant to fill a pandemic-related fiscal hole.

On Sunday, President Iván Duque announced that he would withdraw the current proposal, and instead seek a new plan. But the decisions have done little to quell public anger, and the protests have morphed into a national outcry over rising poverty, unemployment and inequality set off by the arrival of the coronavirus last year.

Many instances of police abuse have been captured on video in recent days, including one in which a young protester is seen kicking a police officer on a motorbike and the officer responds by shooting at the protester as he runs away. The protester was a 17 years old boy called Marcelo Agredo, he died soon after.

Some of the biggest protests have been in Cali, Colombia’s third-largest city. On Sunday, Nicolás Guerrero, a young artist, was among hundreds gathered in a northern part of the city. Suddenly, shots rang out.

A grainy video, livestreamed and watched by many, shows shouting and confusion.

Juan Gómez, a 27-year-old lawyer, was there, and watched as Mr. Guerrero bled out at his feet.

“It was horrible,” said Mr. Gómez. “I have never seen someone die before my eyes.”

For that reason some celebrities have spoken up about the situation that started since last friday:


Las balas jamás podrán silenciar la voz del que sufre.
Y se hace imprescindible que no seamos sordos al clamor de los nuestros. (2/3)
- Shakira (@shakira) May 4, 2021

Pido al gobierno de mi país que tome medidas urgentes, PARE YA la violación a los derechos humanos y restituya el valor de la vida humana por encima de cualquier interés político. (3/3)
- Shakira (@shakira) May 4, 2021

Mexican singer and actress Danna Paola (Élite)

Mis oraciones con ustedes Colombia 🇨🇴 💔
- Danna Paola (@dannapaola) May 4, 2021

Noted asshole Justin Bieber:

Puede que a muchos no les guste Justin Bieber pero el tiene muchísimo alcance Y SE PRONUNCIÓ SOBRE LA SITUACIÓN DE COLOMBIA!! #SOSColombiaDDHH
- Steph🇨🇴. (@TCxxSteph) May 4, 2021

Chilean singer and queen Mon Laferte:

Amor para mi gente de Colombia #SOSColombiaDDHH
- Mon Laferte (@monlaferte) May 4, 2021

ChocQuibTown's member and goddess Goyo:

La desolación que vive mi país hoy NO es ALGO de AYER que desató una MARCHA. Es la realidad DIARIA de todos los que viven en los pueblos, llenos de miedo y sin garantías de vida. Reconozco esta situación desde que era una niña.
- 👑🖤✊🏾 Goyo (@GOYOCQT) May 4, 2021

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I hope fellow colombians are safe! stay strong!

shakira, latino celebrities, justin bieber
