Sebastian Stan Says Release The BuckySarah Cut!

May 01, 2021 17:54

Sebastian Stan urges Marvel to #ReleaseTheBuckySarahCut after it's revealed #TFATWS cut "a little more flirting" between Bucky Barnes and Sarah Wilson:
- (@ComicBook) April 30, 2021

-At the end of Season 1 of The Falcon & The Winter Soldier, ( SPOILER! )

marvel, sebastian stan

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jontargaryen May 1 2021, 17:44:36 UTC
I would be afraid to play any character dating Bucky because his fanbase...

Maybe this will stop fanboys on reddit from insisting that he should date Yelena. That shit is gross on multiple levels.


nomorefrostbite May 1 2021, 17:46:47 UTC
YELENA!? That's so random I can't lmao what on earth. By this kind of logic he should date idk Mantis or someone.


jontargaryen May 1 2021, 17:53:53 UTC
They want things to be "like the comics," but they don't actually read comics. So, they've heard of the Bucky/Nat romance and want to transfer that to Yelena for "comics accuracy," but they haven't put any thought into it because copy-pasting what Brubaker wrote with Bucky/Nat but with MCU Yelena and Bucky is just... You really didn't think it through, huh? Didn't even google "florence pugh age."

One of them also argued that Bucky dating Sharon would be "a reference to the comics" because Steve, a different character, dated her there. How is that a reference to anything other than the existence of heterosexuality?


nomorefrostbite May 1 2021, 18:00:43 UTC
Bucky should date Pepper now Tony is dead, since Tony, a different male character, was with her. YOU KNOW. AS A ~REFERENCE.

Make it make sense!


tillychar May 1 2021, 18:37:26 UTC
that feels like they're scrambling to find a white woman to pair him with


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