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Comments 213

pikapika217 April 27 2021, 14:38:49 UTC
Everything about this relationship has always been so gross and predatory. No clue if they'll ever actually break up but yeah


goldenhera April 27 2021, 15:14:21 UTC
Yes, and it always rubbed me the wrong way that some people excused it by saying men do this shit all the time. That's true but it doesn't make grooming OK.


pikapika217 April 27 2021, 16:19:21 UTC
sadly there's still a public attitude about male sexual abuse not being 'as bad' or even - in some cases from straight men talking - the boys 'getting lucky'. Like NO NO - abuse is abuse


goldenhera April 27 2021, 16:21:38 UTC

Absolutely. Remember how gross people were about Mary Lou Letourneau. Just leave kids alone, damn.


ohwutevernvm April 27 2021, 14:40:10 UTC


notoriousreign April 27 2021, 14:40:18 UTC
God willing. Her and Stella Maeve give me the fucking creeps.


trancexperiment April 27 2021, 14:45:14 UTC
Stella Maeve was caught liking racist posts on Twitter but somehow all the tweets accusing her of it with screenshots got taken down (along with the tweets calling her a groomer)


notoriousreign April 27 2021, 14:47:57 UTC

The fact that she met him when he was 17. Pack it in pedo.


lurkymclurkson April 27 2021, 17:56:29 UTC
I just found out about Stella Maeve a couple of weeks ago. So gross!!


trancexperiment April 27 2021, 14:40:42 UTC
Selling a house is proof? I’ll believe it when I see it but I hope he does finally break free from her.


colossusx April 27 2021, 14:46:03 UTC
usually they'll film a house tour for AD and then put it up for sale and THEN start divorce proceedings


showmesara April 27 2021, 14:52:50 UTC
I was thinking the same.... people can sell houses without getting divorced............hmmmm.....


trekkiepetrelli April 27 2021, 15:04:19 UTC
i don't usually pray for people to divorce, but i would put a lot of energy into hoping this pair does


hollowkings April 27 2021, 14:40:51 UTC
I am so happy for him if this is true! It's so messed up that everyone around him just enabled this relationship to happen. Really don't get how in anyone's mind a 42 year old dating a 17 year old is gross and child abuse but dating a 19 year old is fine.


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burntxtoashes April 27 2021, 14:54:55 UTC
I think its because people would justify it (not so much here) as 'oh they met when he was 17, but didn't start dating until he was 18/19), as if that makes it okay.


hollowkings April 27 2021, 14:59:32 UTC
He was 19 and she was 42 when they first met and started dating they were engaged a year after.They met at work and I just can't fathom a whole film crew looking at that and being like, 'Oh, he's an adult so it's okay.' I don't know how 24 months suddenly makes someone not a pedophile.


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