New printer peripheral announced for the switch

Apr 22, 2021 08:51

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Amidst the upcoming release of Pokémon snap, Fuji film and Nintendo partnered up to release the ins tax mini link printer and app, compatible with the Nintendo switch ( Read more... )

pokémon, computers and technology, computer / video games

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allfourone April 22 2021, 15:36:17 UTC
OMG Pokemon SNAP!!!!!!

I only play sims, ever, but Pokemon snap was my SHIT growing up, I might even BUY A SWITCH just to play this.

Question, if I only wanted it for Animal Crossing and Pokemon Snap, would you guys recommend spending the money on the expensive version or just the simple hand held one that's cheaper, because I probably won't play anything else unless there's like cooking mama still or something~


arellaj April 22 2021, 15:41:10 UTC
the handheld one! i play mostly animal crossing and a couple other games and i've only played my switch on handheld mode


allfourone April 22 2021, 16:07:24 UTC
that's what my roommate suggested because she does have the big one but she never uses it on the tv


arellaj April 22 2021, 16:14:54 UTC
there's a really pretty purple color of the handheld coming out soon 👀


abbiemills April 22 2021, 15:51:42 UTC
The real Switch is way more worth the investment, imo.


allfourone April 22 2021, 16:08:20 UTC
Probably last longer too!


tanglespiders April 22 2021, 15:54:32 UTC
seriously tempted to dust off the n64 to play pokemon snap


allfourone April 22 2021, 16:06:41 UTC
right I'm about to dig through my parent's basement


maryjanewatson April 22 2021, 15:58:23 UTC
imo the original switch is worth more, bc you’re not limited to just handheld. some things you just want to see on a tv. unless you don’t have a tv, i guess lol


allfourone April 22 2021, 16:09:08 UTC
I bet Snap will be one of those, I do have a TV!


euraylie April 22 2021, 16:20:36 UTC
I play mostly on the handheld, but like having the option to play on the TV. But the joycon drift is my main concern. On the regular Switch I can, and have, changed out the joycon, but you can’t do that on the Lite


myharu April 22 2021, 16:36:49 UTC
I only bought a switch because of Pokémon sword lol. I bought the full switch because I like the idea of switching joycons. I later learned that was for the best because the battery drains fast and my power outlets aren’t near any place I sit so I just put it on the dock to charge and continue playing in tv mode if I need to


soul_amazinn April 22 2021, 16:38:11 UTC
Get the regular switch. It’s worth it even if you mostly play handheld.

I’m old with bad eyes so I like seeing it on my tv. I almost never play handheld unless I’m in bed or out somewhere.

Joy Con you would be able to buy different ones and switch them out if you ever have issues. You can’t do that with a lite


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hellojeds April 22 2021, 19:51:52 UTC
I'm the same, I only use it as a handheld if I'm travelling. Otherwise it's docked to my TV.


nebbysbag April 22 2021, 16:48:55 UTC
If money is an issue then the Switch Lite is a good value.

However, if you can stand to spend the extra $100 then I suggest going for the standard Switch! You can continue to play it handheld (though heavier than the Switch Lite) but if there ever comes a time you want to play on the TV you’ll have that option.

Some games are easier to play on the screen, too because they aren’t limited. But the Switch Lite is cute, has a bunch of cute colors, is durable and has a nice grip so can’t go wrong with it if you don’t mind losing the TV option.


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