Wellness influencers and TikTok users are smoking flowers as šŸ and šŸš¬ alternatives

Apr 19, 2021 13:15

Facebook postRose petals, raspberry leaves, and chamomile are turning popular as herbal cigarettes among wellness influencers and those looking to kick their tobacco addiction ( Read more... )

drugs / alcohol, viral, health problems, internet celebrities

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numbedtoe April 19 2021, 20:38:26 UTC
We donā€™t have any official reports in terms of study, Although Canada wanting to do a study but then the pandemic happened. But there are a lot of people who self report is having trouble with either CBD or THC where they need both. And the problem with cbd is that most the stuff that gets sold is not whole plant. When I always got mine from the dispensary I had to mix in just a little THC. I was one of those people who apparently needed a small THC activator to get the best benefit. I found out about it looking around online and thatā€™s when I found Iā€™m not the only one that claims that. I wish CBD alone did it I really do. Iā€™m also one of those unlucky bastards where THC if itā€™s too high, makes me hurt worse. After everything Iā€™ve been through for a year, I havenā€™t been able to use much. But everything that I have on hand is over a year old on the minimum. So itā€™s harsh as fuck in terms of itā€™s very dry. But itā€™s like it lowered the THC content enough to where Iā€™m not getting sick.

I donā€™t give a fuck if somebody uses it just to relax or because itā€™s fun. But As a sick person, I want those proposed studies done. I would like to know more about dosages and percentages for potency, and what if anything can be done for those of us who donā€™t have an easy time or THC or CBD does nothing. I know that to a degree youā€™re always going to have people who have a medication that wonā€™t work for them. But I want those studies lol


iheartweasleys April 19 2021, 20:50:06 UTC
I've tried it in the drops you can take orally and I think even gummies? All from different companies and nada. Each time I've just been left wondering when that calming effect is supposed to kick in because I always feel the same. And it's not like it's cheap, either. I've stopped buying it altogether.


fleurs_sauvage7 April 19 2021, 22:09:16 UTC

Same. It does nothing for me. I need thc.


numbedtoe April 19 2021, 23:05:20 UTC
The only CBD brand that I think actually helped and are you still didnā€™t get the benefit from like a dispensary and a 1:1 situation, was Charlotteā€™s web.

Now god love them they put a lot of people on the path about weed and epilepsy but itā€™s so expensive. Itā€™s so damn expensive. I donā€™t begrudge people making a profit. But at the same time I get really irritated with how expensive this stuff is. CBD and THC. Even dispensaries arenā€™t cheap. And nothing covers in terms of insurance.

Honestly I have a dorky dream of running my own dispensary where the focus is on helping people over profit. Cause idk too many that can spend 300 a month or more on the plant. And yet I know people who do cause it helps but a script would be 40 a month out of pocket. Sorry slight tangent. But it is related to why I donā€™t recommend charlottes web often. Itā€™s the price.

But yeah Iā€™m with you in that I have tried so many kinds. So many ways. So many brands and prices.

Iā€™m glad it works for some but it never did what I had hoped by miles. So I get ya totally.


tawrperisaurus April 19 2021, 23:34:40 UTC
i never understood why dispensary is more than street prices when street prices are inflated to being with -- it's like the govt wanted to one-up drug dealers. it's my goal to have my own place with my own plants


numbedtoe April 19 2021, 23:51:13 UTC
Awesome! Oh and I agree. I totally agree. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous.

Iā€™m going to be starting my first plants this year! I want to grow and need to financially. And it will help me learn because while Iā€™ve seen that person who starts a weed project not knowing anything, I donā€™t want to be that person.

Good luck with your plants! I hope it goes easy, and something you enjoy. And I hope you have a good grow & harvest.


tawrperisaurus April 21 2021, 10:33:57 UTC
Aww thank you!! Definitely not moving any time soon with the way rent prices are in Ontario.

Good luck to you as well -- may your plants provide you with the financial relief you deserve!


talklikelions April 19 2021, 20:57:20 UTC

My pain doctor said 1:1 is the most effective ratio for pain, idk what it is for anything else but when he told me that I knew CBD was never, ever going to feel like it was working by itself and I could stop trying it and just switch to actual weed

The weed helps so much. I havenā€™t had a nightmare or hypnagogic hallucination in MONTHS.


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