£2M bidding war to sign Jesy Nelson as a solo artist

Apr 17, 2021 18:47

Jesy Nelson 'at centre of £2m bidding war between labels' after Little Mix exithttps://t.co/w96vM7dL7h pic.twitter.com/FM6rYCDVM1
- Mirror Celeb (@MirrorCeleb) April 17, 2021
- Former member of Little Mix Jesy Nelson is at the center of a £2 million bidding war between music labels all vying to sign her as a solo artist ( Read more... )

little mix, music / musician (pop)

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wonky April 18 2021, 03:29:06 UTC
i know the constant comparisons to the other three had to be terrible but how is going solo going to be any better? the press ain't gonna be any nicer. cruel stans aren't gonna be either. i mean, isn't britney a good example of how society tears solo female artists down? there are countless others too, she's just the first that comes to mind for obvious reasons. i don't really get it but i hope i'm wrong. i hope she finds whatever she's in search of in her career/life because i know she's had a tough time with it since the very start of the x factor.


odetothefool April 18 2021, 03:44:12 UTC
maybe she thinks she'll have more control over public outing options by being a solo artist, which is true, but she's also going to be completely alone on every other front as well. maybe she'll just do what zayn does and put out music and never perform it (or maybe he does perform it and i just don't pay attention. sorry zayn lmao)


coldwater1010 April 18 2021, 04:08:45 UTC
I hope it works out for her but if it's comparisons to her bandmates she's trying to avoid then good luck. Zayn's been out of One Direction six years, the band's been defunct for almost as long and he hasn't mentioned them in years but the media still love pitting the band against him and the bandmates against one another.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 04:53:27 UTC
Well I mean not being next to three other girls and constantly being called the “fat” or “ugly” one is probably going to be alleviated. Not having to be photographed and seen next to them as well and comparing yourself to them and tearing yourself up must play a part as well. I can understand it from a self esteem standpoint.


fantastiche April 18 2021, 16:55:47 UTC
Are there any female celebs who aren't compared to other female celebs and called fat or ugly regardless of their weight or how they look? I hope she gets out of this what she wants, but none of the things you mentioned are going to change. People will compare them even more intensely and now she'll be competing with other female solo artists, too.


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