£2M bidding war to sign Jesy Nelson as a solo artist

Apr 17, 2021 18:47

Jesy Nelson 'at centre of £2m bidding war between labels' after Little Mix exithttps://t.co/w96vM7dL7h pic.twitter.com/FM6rYCDVM1
- Mirror Celeb (@MirrorCeleb) April 17, 2021
- Former member of Little Mix Jesy Nelson is at the center of a £2 million bidding war between music labels all vying to sign her as a solo artist ( Read more... )

little mix, music / musician (pop)

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cbluechicken April 18 2021, 03:12:52 UTC
honestly. didn't she say the fame was fucking with her mental health. and she wants to go...solo? ok lol


surfermedley April 18 2021, 03:38:24 UTC
Right? If anything the comparison is going to be amped up, the media loves tearing down a strong black woman.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 04:48:47 UTC
No. She sad being in a girl group and the comparisons and pressure were messing with her mental illness. At least from what I recall.


saemcrh April 18 2021, 08:34:06 UTC
Yep, and she'll definitely not be compared to anyone as a solo artist... oh wait.


cityofships April 18 2021, 10:35:55 UTC
Idk man Anne Marie isn't the model starlet, appearance wise, but I rarely hear people being shitty about her. It's kinda one of the reasons I like her lol. She isn't perfect looking, seems to be fine with her natural size (which is kind of average for her height?) etc. People don't seem to talk much shit about her despite her having a lot of bops and being pretty well known in the UK and I do wonder if its because she's a solo artist and not in a band with other girls. I could be teaching though.


saemcrh April 18 2021, 10:39:26 UTC
Her and Jesy aren't the same though, Anne-Marie is conventional in terms of looks, maybe not a standout but she's not like Jesy. Also, their background is completely different, Jesy started in a group so she'll always be brought up alongside them and compared to them, and that will carry over into comparing her to other contemporary solo singers too.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 11:04:40 UTC
That’s totally different. Especially when you’re speaking about having issues with your appearance. Having three other people literally next to you at all times and being compared to them and not being able to escape it due to you being in a group isn’t the same as you just being compared to some other artist. It’s apples and oranges.


trendsnational April 18 2021, 11:45:17 UTC
But she has a history with the other three girls, the media WILL continue to point out the differences. The criticism will only just shift a little.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 12:38:31 UTC
I understand that. But everyone has their own way of dealing with things and coping with their insecurities. I say let her try this route and see if it actually helps her. If it hinders her, then at least she can say she tried and then decide that maybe she’s not cut out for the industry as far as performing.


champagnemami April 18 2021, 12:38:10 UTC
The comparisons are going to DOUBLE not decrease in going solo.....


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 12:47:19 UTC
I don’t think anyone’s understanding what I’m trying to convey. People have different ways of dealing with things. Perhaps the fact that she won’t be physically next to three other people whom everyone including her compares her to will be relieving. Not glancing to your left or right and having one of the main sources of your insecurities could be freeing in a sense. Not having to go through pictures and picking which ones you like while looking directly at others in the pic whom you may deem more beautiful than you can be helpful. I’m coming from a place of insecurity. I, myself would personally be far more comfortable having the focus on me in my eyes vs. knowing I’d be sizing myself up in a group in their situation. If that makes any sense. Depression, anxiety, and triggers aren’t black and white and I think a lot of people are missing that point. She could very well feel more comfortable and secure alone simply because the other girls aren’t physically there.


champagnemami April 18 2021, 12:54:11 UTC
I’m not saying I don’t understand what you’re saying, I just don’t believe it or think it has anything to do with just a few weeks later going solo. That’s not working on your mental health at all. The comparison is going to be SOOOO much worse and literally every story is going to be her next to all of them. Her songs will be compared harsher. Her look will be compared harsher. Every single story once she releases will be picture after picture of them in a group. It literally just doesn’t make sense.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 13:05:23 UTC
Well I just don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying something to see if it works and if it fails...then you know you gave it a shot and then you can move on to a different path that works for you. Perhaps she feels not being in a group will give her more confidence. Perhaps she’s pushing herself to shine and see if it works. I’m just not feeling the vibe in this post as to some people assuming that this will be catastrophic for her. It’s coming off as a very black and white way of dealing with mental illness.


champagnemami April 18 2021, 13:07:09 UTC
I’m not saying it’s going to be catastrophic for her. I’m saying (and my interpretation of most of this post) is that her reason to leave the group was just to go solo, not what they tried to say her reasoning was for.


richyrich909 April 18 2021, 13:09:49 UTC
Two things can exist at once, especially in this situation.


champagnemami April 18 2021, 13:13:04 UTC
I’m still calling bull on it. Sis just wanted to go solo to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I don’t have an issue with anyone going solo. It’s just that it was an obvious set up to me that her team was trying to ease the blow with something knowing she was just about to do solo work.


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