The View: Chelsea Clinton, Hot Topics

Apr 15, 2021 14:17

Panel is Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, Sara, and Meghan

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Hot Topic Afghan. Troops Coming Home

Biden is bringing home troops from Afghanistan (Afghan.) by Sept 11 after 20 years and (now) 4 administrations. Biden notably spoke with Bush43 and Obama the day before his announcement. The GQP is typically hypocritical because the former guy said the same, and they were fine then. US is down to only a few thousand troops in the country. They have their own government and ostensibly a treaty with the Taliban. Either way, or whether that treaty holds, Biden has said we can’t keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Me-again makes it about her, she talks WAY TOO MUCH. Joy and Sunny both said McConnell and Graham need to pay more attention to domestic terr0rism and it’s time for Afghan. to own it. Sara is somewhat happy, and thinks the right answer probably won’t be known until we look back in hindsight, but it’s a never ending saga with great toll by those who have served in-country, and their families back home.

Hot Topic Luther Not Authentically Black

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Luther on BBC (airs on BBC America US and ABC1 Australia) was not originally written as a Black lead but was cast with Idris Elba. BBC Diversity Chief woman says the show didn’t make his character authentically Black, because the character didn’t have Black friends or eat Jamaican food. Whoopi thinks Idris has been Black his whole life so she doesn’t get the complaint. Sara talks about representation. Sunny hasn’t seen the show, but thinks the UK does have a racism problem. Whoopi wonders why his character has to live stereotypically to be considered authentic. Meghan references Hamilton with mostly Black or poc cast, and at some point we have to consider that checking boxes is not the only way to offer representation.

Hot Topic Chelsea Clinton

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Chelsea Clinton is promoting her new podcast In Fact. She talks about her children, celebrating Easter (her) and Passover (husband) by zoom, and everyone checking in on their vaxx status, the PSA of all former Potus and Flotus getting vaxx (except T45), the white male GQP hesitancy, thinks it’s powerful when these people can influence their followers to get vaxx. Meghan asks Chelsea about Biden pulling out of Afghan, re/women’s rights in country. Chelsea has the talking points. Sunny brings up new popularity of Democrats, asks about driver of this swing. Chelsea thinks people are responding to Biden admin because they’re about solutions, and the care economy, and how that impacts everyone regardless of party, she has those talking points, too. She talks about her children’s book She Persisted which has expanded to a chapter series, latest is about Virginia Apgar eg Apgar test, which tests baby health immediately after birth. She talks more about her podcast, which is focused on public health, not just covid.

*Reminder that Chelsea has a BA History-Stanford with thesis on the 1988 Good Friday Agreement, a Masters in International Relations-Oxford with thesis The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria: A Response to Global Threats, a Part of a Global Future, a PhD in International Relations-Oxford with thesis The Global Fund: An Experiment in Global Governance and a Master of Public Health-Columbia. And has expressed zero interest in elected office. Meanwhile Me-again…

Hot Topic Guy Rates Girlfriend 8.5

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Whoopi opens segment by mentioning Them on Amazon Prime, but anyway guy rated his girlfriend 8.5 on hotness and said sex not great but the whole relationship package is good. Sunny reverts back to Them. Meghan also a fan. Sunny doesn’t like being rated. Sara thought 8.5 was good, and she’s not a 10, so she thinks that’s realistic. Joy says it’s not necessary to verbalize every thought in your head, which she laughs about herself. Makes joke about Dalai Lama (alleged) quote. Whoopi says watch Them.


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the view (abc), television - bbc, television - abc, amazon, podcasts, books / authors, television
