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scriptedending April 15 2021, 00:18:01 UTC
My mom was scheduled for J&J next Tuesday, but they texted her today to say they switched her to Moderna because of the "pause" on J&J. She doesn't GAF, she just wants to get vaccinated! And once she is, that'll be basically everyone I care about vaccinated, which is awesome. I really hope the rollout speeds up everywhere.


tucker April 15 2021, 00:18:40 UTC
I’m so glad they aren’t just cancelling on her!


scriptedending April 15 2021, 00:19:27 UTC
Ikr? So happy!!


chllschse April 15 2021, 01:13:03 UTC
I think the pause on the J&J vaccine is ridiculous and will only further fuel conspiracy theorists and wackadoos. You’ve had close to 7 million people get that vaccine in the US alone and less than 10 serious reactions! Nuts!


fauxkaren April 15 2021, 01:45:10 UTC
I get that they want to try to understand WHY those people had the reaction because if it's all women, maybe there's something in the vaccine that has the potential to interact weird with estrogen or something. So if they know that, then we can say that only men can get J&J or whatever.

But the way it's being handled and reported on is really increased the fear around vaccines which is so frustrating.


prlsb4swiine April 15 2021, 04:24:17 UTC
I got moderna too back in Dec 🤗 your mom is right on trying to get whichever she can!!


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