Seth Rogen, James Franco, and the consequences of Hollywood bro culture

Apr 13, 2021 22:41

Actor Charlyne Yi has shared her experience on the set of James Franco film The Disaster Artist, calling Franco a "sexual predator" and naming Seth Rogen as an enabler.
- Mamamia (@Mamamia) April 13, 2021
  • Talks about "Team Apatow" which included Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera and James Franco, and their movies Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Superbad, amongst others.
  • "Their identity was based on toilet humours, self-deprecation, weed and 'bro culture'."
  • Many women have openly talked about not feeling safe on set, with some saying speaking out "would be pointless, or damaging to their own careers."
  • Rogen gave Katherine Heigl shit for saing Knocked Up was 'sexist' in 2008, claiming she'd "slipped" during an interview and that "crazy things" were "kind of her bag now," while also criticising her then new movie The Ugly Truth.
  • Rogen recently addressed the rumour that Emma Watson stormed off the set of This Is the End in 2013 after an uncomfortable scene, saying it did happen but didn't affect his friendship with Watson. He later clarified on Twitter that she never stormed off but just asserted her boundaries and that the narrative was unfairly negative towards Watson.
  • Charlene Yi spoke up just this month about Rogen enabling and protecting James Franco's sexually predatory ways ( ONTD post), which inspired actress and musician Michelle Macedo to come forward with her own story about Franco:

Source: 1, 2

sensitive content, sexual misconduct, james / dave franco, seth rogen, sexism
