Selena Gomez to host concert pushing for COVID-19 vaccine equity

Apr 13, 2021 12:41

-  Global Citizen and a team of artists unite in a concert to support equitable vaccine distribution ( Read more... )

latino celebrities, concert / tour dates, jennifer lopez, covid-19, cpop / jpop / kpop, selena gomez

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mayjailer April 13 2021, 16:31:54 UTC
i got my first shot a couple of weeks ago, and am scheduled to get my second at the end of the month. i'm super anxious about the potential side effects, but i'll feel so much better once it's done.


wowsolovely April 13 2021, 16:47:25 UTC
Same. I got moderna and everyone’s been posting about there side effects but they all post they feel fine after one day. I’m so anxious but know it needs to be done. Just gonna have some comfort food and Tylenol ready


mayjailer April 13 2021, 17:21:26 UTC
i got moderna as well. fortunately my appointment is on a friday, so if i feel shitty i won't have to worry about logging on for work during the day.


trials_by_fire April 13 2021, 17:53:48 UTC
i got moderna too. i was terrified of my second shot. honestly, it was nothing (i know everyone reacts different). arm soreness and i woke up with a tiny headache and achy knees but took tylenol and chugged a gatorade. i then proceeded to sleep on and off for the next 36 hours. tbh, it was the best sleep i've had in years.


mayjailer April 13 2021, 18:00:21 UTC
i'm glad to hear you didn't have too bad a time! someone had told me the second shot side effects are worse if you've had covid, but idk how true that is... it sounds a bit unpredictable.


wowsolovely April 13 2021, 20:16:20 UTC
I took the next day off and so did my boyfriend I assume we will lay in bed and watch Netflix and nap all day.


m14mouse April 13 2021, 18:24:04 UTC
My mom was fine. I was actually worse after my first dose (my arm was so sore that I couldn't move it for days). Second dose, my arm was a little sore but I was fine.

Second dose, my brother just had a sore arm and a little sleepy.


hannahstarr April 13 2021, 18:30:34 UTC
my boyfriend and I got our second moderna shots last week. My advice is just to take it easy and drink lots of water afterwards. Make sure you have Tylenol on hand in case you end up with a fever, as my boyfriend did. And remember that within 48 hours you should be back to normal!


mayjailer April 13 2021, 18:32:13 UTC
tysm! will definitely be sure to have tylenol in the house.


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