White Sox pitcher credits his tarot reader Ruby for his good outlook

Apr 12, 2021 17:42

Liam Hendriks had a tarot card reading from his reg person for this kind of thing, Ruby. He says 'yesterday won't happen again.'

Hendriks gave up a game tying HR in the 9th inning.

He also 'saged' his locker

Wild zoom today with the White Sox closer
- Jesse Rogers (@JesseRogersESPN) April 12, 2021

White Sox closer Liam Hendriks says his Tarot card ( Read more... )

australian celebrities, sports / athletes - baseball

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du_fric April 12 2021, 22:23:22 UTC
that one shamed tiktok astrologer (maren altman???) must feel so vindicated by this after no one believed her that a lot of high powered people used psychics and astrologers in business


she_can_rock April 12 2021, 23:11:44 UTC
she can take that vindication and shove it for being racist and stealing work from BIPOC astrologers.


maggielizabeth April 12 2021, 23:13:09 UTC
shamed? did something happen?


genbu_no_miko24 April 12 2021, 23:18:32 UTC
I guess they must be young because the use of astrologers and psychics has always been a hollywood thing.

Especially Old Hollywood...numerology was a big one.

There's also the rumor that high power exec types are satanists for more power.


acidosaur April 13 2021, 17:34:57 UTC
how would being Satanists get them more power lol


genbu_no_miko24 April 13 2021, 17:45:00 UTC
Cause satanists are all about gaining power and cultivating that from what I heard.


tine_marie April 13 2021, 00:23:43 UTC
Didn't Nancy Reagan use an astrologer a lot too?


lawofcosines April 13 2021, 01:43:23 UTC
A lot of rich people are into weird shit. Astrology is the most normal tbh.


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