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lulufairybubble April 12 2021, 05:12:25 UTC

I lived White Boy Summer during my ho phase in 2010. Ugh yall. Just dont.


doriiansz April 12 2021, 05:19:09 UTC
I'm so sorry...


lulufairybubble April 12 2021, 05:25:38 UTC

I needed somebody to hit me with 'These white men are dangerous' but instead I had the enablers in offwut hyping me and my horrible choices. Damn shame


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lulufairybubble April 12 2021, 06:33:49 UTC

It wasnt all bad but it ended bad for sure. Somebody got mad I called Felice Fawn a bitch in a different comm and made a post. I had never claimed to not use that language, I just made sure I didnt use it there. When offwut imploded I remember thinking 'I may have called Felice a bitch but atleast I never emailed somebodys religious university and tried to get them expelled'


kidviciousdonna April 12 2021, 07:18:53 UTC
Wasn’t she a completely made up person anyway?


jellyfishhh April 12 2021, 23:19:45 UTC
OMG thank you for reminding me of the wild drama of offwut, lmao


lulufairybubble April 12 2021, 23:34:05 UTC

It got truly wild! Towards the end it seemed like people's universities were being contacted almost every week.


umilicious April 12 2021, 14:48:12 UTC
Aside from the “offwut” (I’m glad I missed whatever that was), you are describing my 2010 and I’m sorry you had to go through that, too


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