Shameless Boss on the Series Finale

Apr 11, 2021 19:29

. @SHO_Shameless Boss Talks Open-Ended Series Finale, Frank's Fate and the Fiona Storyline That Wasn't
- (@TVLine) April 12, 2021
-they tried to get Emmy back but the timing never worked out because of covid ( Read more... )

shameless (uk / us), television - premiere / finale, television - showtime, emmy rossum

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georgiana08 April 12 2021, 05:41:02 UTC
The A.V. Club wrote a pretty scathing review which pretty much sums up all of my feelings about the finale/the last few seasons.


mary_pickforded April 12 2021, 05:42:47 UTC
I love the reviews on there so much.


addictedgal April 12 2021, 12:04:56 UTC
Ugh, this:

the idea that Frank is the center of this show is toxic, and has been for nearly its entire run. The notion that the show’s characters should ever be viewed through his lens ignores how absent he has been in their lives, and more importantly how that absence has gone from a story point-explaining the family’s estrangement with him-to a meta-commentary on the show’s decision to send Frank off on wacky adventures that rarely connect with the rest of the family. Frank dying alone is the most thematically successful part of this finale, but it’s also utterly meaningless given how much of a drain Frank has been on the show for at least half of its run, and thus it doesn’t matter if it was a fitting end. A fitting end for Frank does not move Shameless any closer to delivering a satisfying conclusion.


flyfingers7 April 12 2021, 12:20:00 UTC
damn the writers really drove this show into the fucking ground. i can't believe that they just erased the fact that Mickey's son and wife used to be a thing. actually i can. this is a good review and really captures my disappointment over a show i was really in love with seasons 1-4. Like i'm perfectly fine with these characters being self-sabotaging cause trauma, but a lot of the plot choices just seem to be "hurr-durr this funny" and ignore the context of all the shit that came before.

Also i hate what they did with Debbie. She should've given Franny up for adoption at like 5 months. she's not a good parent.


allstar12 April 12 2021, 14:03:40 UTC
Debbie's characterization was the worst and having her whine and moan for most of the season about how she and her daughter have to find their own place was beyond irritating. Like, that's what you have to do when you're an adult. Or her just running away w/ some woman she just met like two episodes ago? So weird.

Like i'm perfectly fine with these characters being self-sabotaging cause trauma, but a lot of the plot choices just seem to be "hurr-durr this funny" and ignore the context of all the shit that came before.

They really just made a jokes about intergenerational trauma and I don't expect much from the show but when you approach it this way, it just makes you not care about certain characters as much as we should (i.e. Debbie, Lip).


gloeden2 April 12 2021, 15:55:43 UTC
At a certain point, "Shameless" writers decided that trauma wasn't fun anymore and they just wanted to coast. That's what I think, anyway. So bipolar Ian and his struggles? Get reduced to "Did you take your pills?" ONE time. Mickey's rape, marriage, and child? Just a bump on the way to married bliss and letting Ian guide them to a new baby. Lip's issues with feeling like a fake and unworthy of what he aspired to? Never happened.
Fiona? New phone, who dis?


flyfingers7 April 12 2021, 16:58:57 UTC
definitely. they wrote some really good, gripping shit because they thought the show would get cancelled and then when they were guaranteed season after season they said fuck it. but 7 seasons (or 6 depending on your view of season 5) of the characters just being dicks, or violent screwups is such a slap in the face to original fans. literally 0 of the new significant others on the show in the later seasons had any purpose but to be avenues of different silly bullshit.


damascus_127 April 12 2021, 12:20:38 UTC
Great review, I agree with pretty much everything


dolce_piccante April 12 2021, 12:51:49 UTC
I love how scathing he is lol


justen April 12 2021, 15:28:15 UTC
Fantastic review that articulated so many of my issues with the finale and the show. Loved this section:

"But despite this, Fiona’s name was never brought up in the conversations about selling a house that we have every reason to believe is under her name, or in the questions around Liam’s guardianship. To the bitter end, even when it made no sense, the show pretended that Fiona was completely off the grid in order to paper over the fact that Rossum had left. To be honest, I wasn’t completely convinced this was an act of spite before this finale, but then Fiona was left out of Frank’s suicide note voiceover that brings the episode to a close. In the end, it’s hard not to see this as an act of disrespect toward Fiona, Rossum, and audiences who cared about the nine seasons of the show she anchored."


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