ONTD Original: More ONTD Legendary Posts/Threads - Part 5

Mar 28, 2021 18:21

This is a follow-up to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4

There are ONTD Post and there are ONTD Legendary Posts. Those that stand the test of time and become iconic years later.

As always, *click the titles to go to the post/threads and read the hilarious comments*

➡️ Jason Mraz Poop Post

Jason Mraz just wanted people to use less TP, ONTD had A LOT of opinions, and I mean A LOT. How many squares do you use? JM uses 8. Did he hoard TP during the pandemic? So many questions. The post was deleted but some of it remains on thewaybackmachine.

[Take a trip down memory lane...] ➡️ Demi Moore demands a retraction from ONTD

Demi Moore -allegedly- photoshopped her lips in a magazine cover, ONTD mocked her and her team demanded a retraction from ONTD. Clearly, ONTD was not pleased.

➡️ Did you just called me c*nt in Mexican?

ONTD has changed a lot over the years, some things don't fly so well today, but back in the day this was a very quotable thing in the comments. OP calls Gaga a try hard for having turquoise armpit hair and well... that exchange happens.

➡️ The 'Wild Mountain Thyme' Spoilery Twist post

A normal romcom set in Scotland takes an awkward twist when the romantic male lead reveals he can't. be with her because he actually wants to be a BEE. Yep. That kind of BEE. As in the animal that makes honey. So ONTD cackles to no end. My all time favorite comment may be the 'BEEGOTRY' line.

➡️ Why is she always posing with a car?

One of those classic ONTD threads. OP wonders why Lana del Rey likes to pose with cars, ONTD has a few ideas and the pile on gets funnier and funnier...

➡️ The OG Kristmas in July Post

All the Robsten Stans lost their collective mind when pictures of KStew cheating on Rob with another director arise. ONTD was on a prayer circle for a while.

➡️ Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are the first celebs to get COVID

Almost a year ago we knew nothing about the virus and we thought it was pretty much a death sentence, so when Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson became the first celebs to announce they had COVID, ONTD collectively lost their shit.

➡️ Instead of tying the knot she took the knot

Again. ONTD has tons of opinions. This time when a British woman married her dog on live TV. I'm wheezing at the comments.

➡️ The OTHERKIN post

Logo aired a documentary about OTHERKINs (for those of you lucky enough to not know what they are: Otherkins are a subculture of people who identify as not entirely human. Some otherkin believe their identity derives from reincarnation, trans-species dysphoria of the soul, ancestry, or metaphor). So basically cray crays.

➡️ Dylan Farrow thanks ONTD!

Sometimes, we actually do a good thing. And this time Dylan thanked us for being a supportive community when she was speaking publicly about being sexually abused by her father, Woody Allen.

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10

ONTD, any more legendary posts?

scandal, jason mraz, lana del rey, epic / memorable post, kristen stewart, ontd original, tom hanks, demi moore
