What Having Covid-19 Was Like For Celebrities

Mar 16, 2021 17:39

This morning I tested positive for Covid 19. I feel ok, I have no symptoms so far but have been isolated since I found out about my possible exposure to the virus. Stay home people and be pragmatic. I will keep you updated on how I’m doing 👊🏾👊🏾 No panic. pic.twitter.com/Lg7HVMZglZ
- Idris Elba (@idriselba) March 16, 2020
A year has now pasted since ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, south asian celebrities, black celebrities, idris elba, sports / athletes, covid-19

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xtinkerbellax March 17 2021, 01:05:57 UTC
Which one did she get?


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xtinkerbellax March 17 2021, 01:24:19 UTC
That's horrible, I hope she'll be ok.


strangelittlex March 17 2021, 01:54:06 UTC
Jesus, I hope she pulls through. Was it maybe a weird ingredient in the vaccine she was allergic to? The form I filled out at Walgreens was like ridiculously extensive for the “are you allergic to this” section.


lolzerz March 17 2021, 02:02:10 UTC
its so weird. someone i know through work got covid from her dad, who has bad COPD and ended up with no symptoms. her husband who drinks and smokes got covid with just a bad headache. however, she was healthy with no underlying conditions but ended up in the ICU for 3 weeks with a collapsed lung and pneumonia, and now sleeps with an oxygen tank.


sillycucumber2 March 17 2021, 09:58:50 UTC
Heartbreaking. The way it varies is so mind-blowing. I wonder what future research will show about who got the worst of it.


xtinkerbellax March 17 2021, 12:05:10 UTC
It's scary how random it is, and I think a lot of people still believe underlying conditions are what get you a bad case but anyone can get one, underlying conditions will just make it harder to fight off if you do.


wistfulwisp March 17 2021, 05:41:31 UTC
A relative of mine had a severe reaction to her flu shot over a decade ago. She was paralyzed, couldn't speak, etc. for over a month. And it took a long time before she recovered. (She had to relearn how to speak, eat, walk, etc.)

Even though I believe in vaccinations, I've been scared shitless since then of them. Thankfully, my grandma got both rounds of the covid19 vaccine without complications.


mzgrottesca March 18 2021, 00:18:27 UTC
Yep, they scare me too. My brother almost died from the whooping cough vaccine when he was a baby. I'm all for vaccines but goddamn some of the weird immuno reactions we can have makes them terrifying, especially as someone with health OCD.


wistfulwisp March 18 2021, 00:41:00 UTC
Same. I declined getting the hpv vaccine because of my ocd/anxiety. I wanted to get it so badly because of my fear of cancer but my brain would not stop panicking, imagining myself becoming paralyzed from the vaccine. Thankfully my doctors/nurses have always been nice about it, but I worry that they're secretly thinking I'm anti-vaccine. Haha. I'm a mess.


mzgrottesca March 18 2021, 01:13:45 UTC
LOL are we the same person? I also never got the HPV vaccine for the same reason. I had finally worked up the nerve to get it for 2020 and made it my new year's resolution but, uh, shortly after that the shit hit the fan and I haven't been inside a doctor's office in over a year. Putting anything new in my body scares the shit out of me, but especially something that, you know, sticks around LOL.


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