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Comments 21

nutmegdealer March 10 2021, 21:22:20 UTC
i think you should handle things the way they were started, which may or may not be the best decision.


sandstorm March 10 2021, 21:28:50 UTC
If you're unwilling to solve the problem privately, I don't have a problem taking it public if it is also affecting others.


kali_klum March 10 2021, 21:57:55 UTC
I'm a pretty private person and try to handle my problems as such but I've myself doing the scorched earth more these days because it feels like there's no other choice when I'm constantly being disrespected.


polynucleotide March 10 2021, 22:13:35 UTC

Wow. American Airlines tells 13,000 laid off workers that their job is saved by Democrats’ American Rescue Plan.

There will be MANY more of these. pic.twitter.com/mxxILgWgbl
- Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 10, 2021


skyler_white_yo March 10 2021, 23:24:08 UTC
The funding in this bill is going to help everyone. If the other guy was in charge, that money would have gone to his buddies again, while acting like the $1400 to each person was the cure all to everything. When I’m half paying attention to the news and they say “the president” I still tense up for a second until I realize they are talking about Biden.


archersangel March 11 2021, 03:15:03 UTC
When I’m half paying attention to the news and they say “the president” I still tense up for a second until I realize they are talking about Biden.

Me too. And I reach for the remove to put the TV on mute, but then remember it's not Tr*mp droning on & doing a cocaine sniff.


flyingpigs_live March 11 2021, 00:10:23 UTC
good but....isn't the ceo a billionaire or something? it's horrible that none of them are taking pay cuts so they can pay their employees who are the ones actually working.


richyrich909 March 10 2021, 23:01:55 UTC
I can’t see Eddie Murphy without thinking of Victoria Beckham naming him Beverly Hills Cock when she was defending Mel B over the way he treated her lol.


tanglespiders March 11 2021, 00:20:44 UTC
lol I totally missed her saying that but now it's all I'm gonna think of too


richyrich909 March 11 2021, 03:13:36 UTC
I think it was actually on her reality show or in an interview. Like someone mentioned him and she rolled her eyes and called him that. I died. 😂


richyrich909 March 11 2021, 03:18:02 UTC
Found the quote. It was on her reality show when she came to America. She called him that and said she’d spit in his food and chop his dick off. 😂.


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