Jameela Jamil Inserts Herself into the Meghan/Harry vs Royals Scandal

Mar 07, 2021 02:33

So, Jameela has some thoughts on the Meghan/Harry scandal.

First, she trashed the royals for bashing Meghan in the media:

IF THIS IS WHAT THE ROYAL FAMILY IS COMFORTABLE DOING TO A HEAVILY PREGNANT WOMAN PUBLICLY.... can we even IMAGINE what they put her through privately? They seem terrified. Her interview hasn’t even aired yet. What are they ( Read more... )

jameela jamil, royalty / royal family

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Comments 154

likeiused2 March 7 2021, 08:47:50 UTC
The journey~ I went through reading that first one
I think she had a whole conversation with herself in one tweet
And then was kind enough to sum herself perfectly the end


xmignonnex March 7 2021, 08:53:20 UTC
i mean i get her point but this heavily pregnant woman chose to do a 2 hour oprah special...

also ew at her defending harry


anachan87 March 7 2021, 09:09:30 UTC
and Kate was also pregnant when Harry and Meghan got engaged but apparently she was the one people expected to "train" Meghan


blanchedavidian March 7 2021, 09:09:49 UTC
But he's the rebel prince we all love! Jameela said so! Ignore the nazi pics and listen to Jameela!


justrachna March 7 2021, 08:53:33 UTC
He was such a hero wearing a nazi costume and then years later calling his colleague a p*ki. What a prince ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Top lad!


1100003 March 7 2021, 10:15:16 UTC
I wish him the worst, and I love your tireless energy for the same cause! It's what this racist top lad loser deserves!


justrachna March 7 2021, 14:21:05 UTC
Thanks bb! ❤️❤️❤️Really sick of the revisionist history this asshole gets


1100003 March 7 2021, 17:43:17 UTC
To me, he's like Eric Trump (or one of the other evil T kids, it doesn't matter - I'm not even American, but it's an obvious comparison), so it's really baffling to see the coddling.


helenrdemeter March 7 2021, 08:58:55 UTC
The linked post is sending me because I see a possibly serious discussion about him being a Virgo...

I also wonder if the poster talking about how it'll be impossible for Harry to marry 'a kick ass black girl who has a mind of her own' is still around. OP are you still with us?? What do you think of the chaos so far?


ljtryout March 7 2021, 09:10:48 UTC
lmao. I replied to her in the post and told her i come from the future. lol. I haven't seen her in a while tho...


helenrdemeter March 7 2021, 09:22:35 UTC
Thank you for going in there and hitting the OP up!! Going into those comments is a brave act.

Fingers crossed they will make a reappearance when they see your comment notif in their inbox! I need to know what they think of everything that's gone down.


jellycar March 7 2021, 13:40:55 UTC
i haven’t seen them since their “i couldn’t date a 26 yr old and i’m 28, i wonder what they talk about” comment 💀

saying that though, how could they ever date harry?? they’d just sit in silence in separate rooms for all eternity


anachan87 March 7 2021, 09:02:53 UTC
My reactions to this whole ordeal went from Spongebob as the interview was announced to Patrick at the first leaks and now I am just full on Squidward.


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