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yami_no_hoshi March 4 2021, 19:51:24 UTC
Lol except Gillian legit grew up in London and the US which is why she can switch accents and she’s never pretended otherwise. Whereas Hilary acted like she was an immigrant who moved to the US for school and didn’t speak English. How you say cucumber is burned into my brain.


isthisdesire March 4 2021, 22:39:05 UTC
Lmao I use “how you say...cucumber!” all the time


deansgirl4eva March 5 2021, 02:57:02 UTC
omg so I looked up the clip to listen to it for myself and woooooooooooooooooooooowwwww this fake put-upon accent. I'm actually flabbergasted from the audacity of it all. Like, she grew up in Massachusetts?? And doesn't have any Spanish heritage?? That is not the type of accent you develop from vacationing to Spain with family in your youth. I'm floored


gingerywilson March 5 2021, 03:32:33 UTC
I am so jealous of you getting to experience this mess for the first time - enjoy!!


yami_no_hoshi March 5 2021, 14:25:19 UTC
Right?? The audacity! She claims she “got nervous at being on live tv” and forgot the word but please...she was full-on faking that she didn’t know the word in English with a fake accent!
she could have just said she spent summers in Spain and felt a strong connection and no one would have said anything, like Gwyneth Paltrow, who actually went to school in Spain and speaks Spanish fluently, did a cookbook about Spanish food, etc. But instead she acted like she was actually Spanish. There’s a clip where the host is asking her about her life and she says she moved to New York for school, and they ask from where, and she says “well my parents live in Spain.” Careful wording, so she could turn around and say that she never said she moved from Spain, but clearly her answering it in that way was to make it seem like she had. Just the audacity of it all.


frankthesheep March 5 2021, 12:00:58 UTC
she literally tried to pretend her and her kids have different skin colour and ethnicity.


yami_no_hoshi March 5 2021, 14:29:07 UTC
Oh right, I forgot about that video contrasting her and her daughter’s skin colour to “teach her about racism.”


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