Daniel Kaluuya Wasn't Invited to the Premiere of Get Out

Feb 24, 2021 13:07

Daniel Kaluuya reveals he never got invited to the world premiere of ‘GET OUT’.

“You don’t want to be in a place you don’t feel wanted, you feel me?”

(Source: @grahnort) pic.twitter.com/QfbjsfIBM7
- DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) February 23, 2021
The hot and talented Daniel Kaluuya recently revealed to Graham Norton that despite being the star of ( Read more... )

graham norton, daniel kaluuya, film - festival, interview

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champagnexdream February 24 2021, 19:39:34 UTC
Considering the subject matter and Jordan Peele etc. this actually shocks me but I know it shouldn’t


kamikashi February 24 2021, 19:45:52 UTC
is there some shadiness between jordan peele and daniel kaluuya? because peele would have the power to invite him right so this is so weird to me.


champagnexdream February 24 2021, 19:47:20 UTC
I was wondering that too. Neither of them seem the petty/dramatic type though so yeah IDK


sandstorm February 24 2021, 19:51:22 UTC
It's probably not, as Daniel will be in his next film. My guess in the roundup was Universal dropped the ball.


robertsbox_xo February 24 2021, 19:52:04 UTC
he's in negotiations to join peele's next movie so that would suggest no?



masterofmystery February 25 2021, 00:12:05 UTC
well jordan just hired daniel for his upcoming movie so i highly doubt it


deja_vu822 February 25 2021, 15:31:13 UTC
i don't think peele would've been in charge of sending the sundance invites. it was probably a huge oversight by the sundance people


sabrina54 February 24 2021, 20:12:46 UTC
It really shouldn't. Hollywood didn't take this film seriously, the fact that they labeled it a Comedy also reflects this fact.


whiterabit February 24 2021, 20:54:46 UTC
you reminded me, I saw this in a rich white Brooklyn neighborhood in theatre and I got the twist about 2 minutes before the rest of the audience and started laughing pretty hard because it's scary and macabre that it becomes funny, and dozens of people turned to glare at me. It is funny but it's not comedy comedy per-say.


halevy February 24 2021, 20:55:44 UTC
a white friend told get out was a comedy "of sorts" and i was like huh. then i watched it and was like uhhh how did anyone label this a comedy.


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