KIMYE Officially Split

Feb 19, 2021 15:39

Kim K has filed for divorce

Kim Kardashian Files for Divorce from Kanye West
- TMZ (@TMZ) February 19, 2021
Kim is asking for joint legal and physical custody of the kids ( Read more... )

true love / love is dead, kanye west, kardashian / jenner, divorce

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lauren901 February 19 2021, 20:45:33 UTC
I hope the kids are ok, but I honestly see Kim being remarried in 4 years :/


just444 February 19 2021, 20:52:41 UTC
If he isn't willing to get help the kids are better off without him


teacoat February 19 2021, 20:56:50 UTC
i'd be surprised if she got married again unless it was to a billionaire or a politician (if she hasn't gotten bored of playing lawyer yet).


(The comment has been removed)

teacoat February 19 2021, 21:20:14 UTC
either that, or in ten years she'll marry some young... whatever the male equivalent of ingenue is. ingenuer? lmao. like a timmy chalamet type.

(looked it up, it's ingenu. how boring)


umilicious February 19 2021, 22:19:20 UTC
I didn’t even realize ingenue was a gendered word, and that ingenu was even a thing! The latter does sound boring, though


teacoat February 19 2021, 22:21:43 UTC
it probably technically isn't gendered in english, but i believe all nouns/adjectives in french are gendered (it comes from french). but i don't actually speak french, so someone correct me if i'm wrong!


suzycat February 20 2021, 09:15:17 UTC
Harry Styles obvs


primimproper February 22 2021, 02:49:29 UTC
Oh, my friend and I call them "Himbos." Beefy, dumb, nice.

Britney's got one.


syntheses February 25 2021, 02:50:30 UTC
Britney's boyfriend is a textbook Himbo. I die with laughter every time someone implies he is capable of deceit or involved in a complex conspiracy. Like... it's just not realistic tbh


primimproper February 25 2021, 19:02:14 UTC
Same hahahaha. Textbook.

I don’t see any masterminding abilities with him, other than a very basic awareness that being with a celebrity rubs off a little fame and success too. But it’s no guarantee (po po zoa).

They’re both silly, attractive and into fitness, and it’s most likely that simple. The dudes to worry about are agents, lawyers, paparazzi, publicists or business manager types.


syntheses March 1 2021, 03:42:57 UTC
i actually know someone who went to (a very large) high school with him. He was always incredibly nice but incredibly dumb. No one had a problem with him, and it seems like her friends that are actually friends with him don't really get a lot of tea about Britney or anything. They are just as dark abt the Britney stuff as I am and I think if he was shady he'd be rly trading on it in his private life.


megalixer February 19 2021, 21:25:40 UTC
also she's just older than most professional athletes at this point - does she really want to date someone in their 20s? (tho I guess kourtney does that so 🤷🏻‍♀️)

idk about a billionaire just 'cause there's only so many of them but I could see like a CEO or maybe a VP/upper management sort. or an "art dealer"/socialite like JLaw's husband.


saemcrh February 19 2021, 21:33:11 UTC
Kourtney is dating Travis Barker, who is age-appropriate.


megalixer February 19 2021, 21:41:11 UTC
now she is but iirc the guy she dated before him was like, early 20s?


saemcrh February 19 2021, 21:46:13 UTC
Apparently so, but at least with her you can put it down to a lapse in judgement, unlike her ex who has made a habit of chasing teens.


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