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analievelyn February 10 2021, 21:38:19 UTC
How is the Fandom reacting ? Is everyone falling in line behind the survivors or are they still caping for joss.

I'm very interested in user umnothanx's thoughts. She's been making the amazing btvs posts this year.


ljtryout February 10 2021, 21:41:15 UTC
Judging from twitter alone, it’s very 70/30. Most of them are supportive, cause Buffy was always a progresive show and the fandom itself is quite progressive, but there are also the male Whedon stans that think this is an attack on his ‘god’.


analievelyn February 10 2021, 22:14:16 UTC
ahh ok. tysm <3


laminy February 10 2021, 22:27:26 UTC
The stans I know are all (suspiciously???) silent.


fromyourashes February 10 2021, 22:35:59 UTC
as a stan, though not one you know, not silent in how much i hate whedon and how revolting i think the cast and crew are for never speaking up. but i'm more or less the only one i know who voices any negative opinions re: buffy/the set/the cast/the crew


analievelyn February 10 2021, 22:49:36 UTC
ahh noo! I'm sorry, babe <3


laminy February 10 2021, 23:00:32 UTC
There's one who's less of a friend/more of an acquaintance, and I admit I am interested in finding out her thoughts. She's a die hard fan, just got a Buffy tattoo a couple months ago, she credits the show as the reason she decided to work in film/TV, so I'm like...I wanna poke her, ha, see what she says. But I'll wait.


hannahstarr February 10 2021, 23:14:20 UTC
same. I'm friends with a LOT of Whedon fans and they are all radio silent on social media


queencersi February 10 2021, 23:02:07 UTC
from what i've seen on the buffy subreddit most people are supportive.
i think it's been well-known that he was an asshole for years so a lot of people don't seem to be too shocked.


daisy_princess February 10 2021, 23:51:24 UTC
All the Buffy fandom I interact with have known Joss isn't shit for years and definitely support Charisma.


brokecouture February 10 2021, 23:51:27 UTC
curdlesnoots February 11 2021, 06:37:49 UTC
I’m a Buffy fan but like a lot of users have said most of us have known for years that Joss isn’t shit. He definitely tainted my view of the show for a long time.

These days I try and celebrate Buffy for the female cast, writers and (good) crew who did the heavy lifting and made the show what it was. Whedon would have nothing without them and nothing is exactly what he deserves.


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