No, Armie Hammer is Not a Murder Suspect

Feb 09, 2021 10:47

This is all alleged with #ArmieHammer until proven otherwise. Remember when Armie suddenly began working in construction mid-pandemic and mid-divorce last year? Suddenly, he was employed, in between jobs, working on a hotel in the middle of the desert.
- In the Cut (@InthecutZine) February 7, 2021
The above Twitter thread has gone viral after ( Read more... )

armie hammer, viral

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zoaster_toaster February 9 2021, 17:04:53 UTC
Because abuse isn't as ~*scandalous*~ as cannibal fetishes.


poordat February 9 2021, 17:13:18 UTC
Abuse is a much less comfortable subject than the idea of a semi-famous dude being a cannibal. Abuse is a serious issue that needs to be carefully handled but the cannibalism is a haha funny joke with a broader reach because few people recognize it as part and parcel of the abuse.

I feel like the normalization of violent sexual fantasies plays a part in it as well.


spoil February 9 2021, 17:15:59 UTC
The cannibalism texts are a more eye catching story. Most don't care about sexual assault/harassment and people use #metoo as a punch line nowadays, sadly.


yurasama_love February 9 2021, 17:25:19 UTC
Because women suffering is not a good headline.


verschreibsel February 9 2021, 18:31:39 UTC

I'm tired of all the cannibalism jokes.

We get it women's pain don't matter.


angriest_girl February 9 2021, 21:53:51 UTC
Because no one cares when women are abused unless it can be turned into a salacious true crime podcast.


onadarknight February 9 2021, 22:54:07 UTC
Because abuse is common and happens every day. We're mostly desensitized to it. Cannibalism is obviously enters a new territory of being absolutely fucked up.

Also, the dude was trying to find a doctor who would surgically remove some chick's rib so he could bbq and eat it. Cannibalism was also very much part of the abuse even if it hadn't quite happened yet, it was quickly headed that way.


x_spinfaster February 10 2021, 02:16:21 UTC
part of the abuse with one woman involved [spoiler]non-consensually carving his initials into her and then licking the blood, so the cannibalism was already mixed in with the abusive parts also =\


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