The Expanse 5X10 Discussion (Aftershow)

Feb 05, 2021 21:06

Ty and Wes had their final aftershow for S5, with Dominique Tipper and Steven Strait. For those interested they're continuing the podcast and going back to the very beginning, to discuss S1.

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Some highlights:
[Spoiler (click to open)]* By the time Naomi gets to the Chetzemoka for the second time, she had gone off on her own and had failed to save Filip, which was an Read more... )

amazon, the expanse (syfy), television - premiere / finale

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Comments 80

xpirate_queenx February 5 2021, 19:38:09 UTC
I really dug this season.

Also people on the subreddit pointed out that [Spoiler (click to open)]Alex's death and everything related to it was a result of reshoots and some truly creative editing. The shot of his dead body was straight up a still image with some CGI blood and voiceover added. BTS photos even reveal he was at the party on Luna at the end and completely edited out.


ohmylol February 5 2021, 19:50:44 UTC
In which discussion? Do you have a link? I want to see that


ohmylol February 5 2021, 20:31:12 UTC
Thanks !


marwari_mettle February 5 2021, 19:38:13 UTC
Can I just say that this was one of the most satisfying and complex seasons of tv to watch! Could hold its own against any sci-fi or non-scifi show.

I was internally screaming at the end there and the reveal. Dom's acting, facial expressions, tone of voice during that scene were just amazing! They deserve nominations for this.

I also love that the message from Naomi was inspired by the showrunner's actual life from when his wife had cancer and he saw a message on her computer saying "in case something goes wrong." Also DRUMMER!!! I love that woman!


ivy_b February 5 2021, 19:48:52 UTC
This show has spoiled all other sci fi shows for me. Give Dom all the awards, she was so amazing this season.

The message being inspired by real life gives it an extra punch.

Drummer was put through the wringer this season, I'm glad she's free, sad she lost half her family, even if I don't care about them.


ivy_b February 5 2021, 19:46:06 UTC
I need a Naomi icon after this season ( ... )


xpirate_queenx February 5 2021, 19:52:57 UTC
Amos then pulling Peaches away like he was going to excitedly show off his puffy sticker collection to her was precious.


ivy_b February 5 2021, 20:52:04 UTC
He really was, bless.


ohmylol February 5 2021, 19:58:41 UTC
That ending was so so cool , i spoiled myself ( i don't mind spoilers so I'm good ) with book info and i can't wait , the especial effects are great , and the shots of Laconia ??? And the scene in the credits ??? I can't wait, i really can't , I'm even thinking of reading he book lol ( ... )


hotdoggoz February 5 2021, 19:54:15 UTC
I'm so excited for season 6. This season was flawless and I loved learning more about Amos and Naomi with so much less attention on Holden for a change. However I'm excited for the next season to hopefully focus more on the rings and what happened to the civilization that built them.

[Spoiler (click to open)]They really gave Alex a "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet" ending! It's what he deserves. I was disappointed to see Bull drinking out of Alex's mug at the end, he's my least favorite character right now and I'm not excited for him to possibly take over as the Roci's pilot.


ohmylol February 5 2021, 20:00:21 UTC
Lmaoo the Poochie ending, you are so right , tbh i liked Alex, it's such a shame it was portrayed by a pos , but at least they did a good job there

Mte with bull


ivy_b February 5 2021, 21:01:13 UTC
I was happy Holden took a backseat, wish Bobbie didn't taken one as well, but it is what it is. Amos and Naomi deserved the focus and deep dive into their pasts.

I wish I liked Bull, because I actually really like book!Bull, but show!Bull is just an angry racist and I'm not excited about him possibly taking over as pilot.


ohmylol February 5 2021, 20:03:10 UTC
I've seen the scene where Marco takes the control of the ring and the barkeit passes through the Laconia ring like 5 times, it's fantastic , and Laconia looks gorgeous too, that ring technology thing that looks like a ship looks great too, omg , i need season 6 asap

As usual Keon killed it this episode, and Dominique and Cara , great performers , love them .


ivy_b February 5 2021, 21:02:26 UTC
It was such an amazing scene and Laconia looked so good.

Keon's face soaking in the adoration kinda killed me, lol.


hotdoggoz February 5 2021, 21:34:55 UTC
Ugh he’s so fucking good. Like I hate Marco so much but I’m also so interested whenever he’s onscreen. Him and Filip were flawless casting.


ivy_b February 5 2021, 21:42:53 UTC
They're both great casting and actors and I still can't get over how Jasai looks like he could be their son, it's uncanny.


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