Celebrities post about Myanmar military coup

Feb 04, 2021 15:51

Myanmar’s new military government has blocked access to Facebook as resistance to Monday’s coup surged amid calls for civil disobedience to protest the ousting of the elected civilian government and its leader Aung San Suu Kyi. https://t.co/xxrkxqIuEK
- The Associated Press (@AP) February 4, 2021
From Wednesday night (3 Feb) onwards, social media ( Read more... )

the hunger games, asian celebrities, rihanna, news / news anchors, politics, cpop / jpop / kpop

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Comments 56

smnp February 4 2021, 14:55:29 UTC
Team people of myanmar, prayers for them, i meant all people ( muslims , non muslims).
A was an oppressed who then oppressed and now she is back to be oppressed...full cycle for her.
While she is in house arrest she will have time to think on what happened and is happening to those killed, kept captive, raped, tortured...even children.


maclou February 4 2021, 15:02:06 UTC
I always try and pay attention to the situation in Myanmar but I really don’t know as much about it as I wish I did so if I’m wrong here someone please correct me but... the people on Twitter who are acting like “Well good Suu Kyi committed genocide so BYE” as if she’s being overthrown by ppl trying to stop the genocide are driving me up the damn wall it’s more like ppl who allowed the genocide to happen (Suu Kyi) vs the ppl who actually did the genocide (the military). For whatever reason she allowed the genocide to go on and pretends like it didn’t happen, if it’s because she’s just ok with it or if it’s because she was afraid the military would overthrow her again if she tried to stop them it doesn’t matter, it’s a warning, trying to get along with violent factions and letting them do what they want as long as they don’t come for YOU won’t work cos eventually they will no matter how much you placate them ( ... )


quirkyblah38 February 4 2021, 15:05:04 UTC
pardon my ignorance but is billy baldwin the most palatable (least problematic) of the baldwins?


xtinkerbellax February 4 2021, 15:15:50 UTC
I find him to be, although I don't know much about Daniel. I always wonder if his wife's political views align with his because she's really religious like his brother Stephen.


quirkyblah38 February 4 2021, 15:24:58 UTC
well it's good to know there might be more than one unproblematic baldwin, i had it in my mind they were all pretty shitty, though now that this is brought up i did think i saw a post on here referencing someone (most likely billy) most vehemently not being a trump supporter


xtinkerbellax February 4 2021, 15:31:25 UTC
I think their whole family aside from Stephen are pretty staunch Democrats, but then Alec is an asshole with a huge anger management problem.


justfortheplot February 4 2021, 15:07:47 UTC
Mucha fuerza para el pueblo de Myanmar!

That video with the lady doing her fitness routine is so fucked up


ohwutevernvm February 4 2021, 15:11:58 UTC
Woooow. Fucked up.


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