Adam Driver accused of behaving badly on film set!

Feb 02, 2021 21:49

ermm so when are we gonna talk about this
- ciri’s tax entity (@freyasolo) February 2, 2021
Portuguese actress Lídia Franco exposed Adam Driver's violent behavior on set of the 2018 movie "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote", directed by Terry Gilliam and starring the actor. During a podcast that is making headlines in ( Read more... )

european celebrities, rumors / gossip, adam driver

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asnindie February 2 2021, 20:27:03 UTC
Honestly what is it with famous narcissistic people and you can't look me in the eyes?? They're all assholes. And so many productions enable these behaviours. It's so messed up. Esp for a nobody like him..... disgusting.

Expose them all.


letsallchant February 2 2021, 21:00:28 UTC
IKR? I don't get it. It seems such like a frequent request.

Which reminds me, there was this one story on one those Vh1 shows, and I guess Prince sent out a letter from his team to everyone who was to be sitting near him at the AMAs where it was just basically like, "don't make eye contact with him", and one of those people was Weird Al. So Weird Al sent out his own thing where he asked Prince to also not look him in the eye, lol.


doriiansz February 2 2021, 21:08:45 UTC
Good an Al lmao Prince was a creep. Fuck him.


fasterpssycat February 2 2021, 22:11:17 UTC
I've always wondered why no one seems to ever pick up on Prince's creepiness.


freeze_i_say February 3 2021, 13:31:53 UTC
alienjive February 2 2021, 21:11:56 UTC
nnnnn don’t look me in the eye either, you fuck!


pin_stripe February 2 2021, 23:31:19 UTC
LOL i love Weird Al DEARLY for this


yousaidlog February 2 2021, 23:50:39 UTC
Al is such a treasure lmfao


warwarwar February 3 2021, 01:35:24 UTC
I love Weird Al. He seems like a good soul.


emerald_soul February 2 2021, 21:18:20 UTC
I feel like it's gotta be an insecurity thing where they don't wanna be vulnerable to strangers offscreen, or a massive ego thing where they feel like "lessers" should never deem to connect at their level.


asnindie February 2 2021, 21:41:52 UTC
I wonder if behaved like this on star wars or thought he could do it in a smaller production. Pos.


callonme_84 February 2 2021, 22:26:01 UTC
I mean sometimes eye contact is uncomfortable and you feel like a freak when someone looks at you.......
HOOOWWEVER, ADAM! And everyone else -

There’s a way to be gracious about it.....a way to get the message across while maintaining your social skills.

Obviously - this scenario Lidia told us doesn’t apply to what I typed. He’s just an ego maniac who doesn’t care about being appropriate and unprofessional.

And did I read that right - she’s 78!
HOW DARE HE (yes any age- but imagine being berated by some 17 year old while you’re in your late 30’s early 40’s..)



stillglows February 2 2021, 22:56:58 UTC
when i was volunteering for fifa wwc there was one team we weren't allowed to look at at all. so stupid.


backwardsjoker February 2 2021, 22:58:14 UTC
That is the stupid shit to me. Put a blindfold on and solve all of our problems tbh


aristobrit February 2 2021, 23:05:41 UTC
The eye contact thing goes back to old Hollywood. It was common with big stars like Joan Crawford. They claimed that when they were on set they didn't want to be distracted and get pulled out of character by needing to see/greet everyone they came in contact with.

It's real diva behavior but that was the original thinking.


prdarkstar February 2 2021, 23:06:06 UTC
I would assume they're famous, they're constantly being looked at, and want to control that when they can. But doesn't make it any less of an absurd and ridiculous demand to make.


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