Miley Cyrus: Tiny Desk Concert

Jan 31, 2021 10:04

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Set list:

"Fade Into You"
"Golden G-String"


miley cyrus, music / musician

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babs January 31 2021, 21:18:50 UTC
“Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretch marks.” I love that because it’s not “Come sit on my dick, suck on my cock.” I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little. It was too much “Lamborghini, got my Rolex, got a girl on my cock” -- I am so not that.

Cyrus’ Billboard interview has people asking what happened to the girl who twerked her way into appropriating black culture not too long ago.

But any slight chance of that comparison being valid disintegrated when Miley explained to the New York Times, “If you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind.” Cyrus even admitted to understanding why people, including Minaj, were possibly upset with her, because she’s a “white pop star,” but still she doubled down on the misunderstanding. When Minaj called out MTV for rewarding Cyrus for appropriating black culture and mocking the bodies of black women everywhere, rather than nominating Minaj, a black woman, Cyrus took an #allbodiesmatter stance. “There’s girls everywhere with this body type,” Cyrus told the New York Times, right before calling Nicki’s grievance just another “catfight.” It was Cyrus’s frightened response to the “angry black girl” trope, which included Minaj’s now-infamous question that some believe put an end to Miley’s “thug life.”

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We should ban her tbh instead of giving her free promo here. We wouldn't fucking post Army Hammer giving a wholesome interview to promote his next project on here and it disgusts me that we do that very thing for her bc she's 'only' racist


myhipusername February 1 2021, 01:42:11 UTC
theres so many celebs we would ban here sadly for their racism, sexism, ableism, homophobias, classism

people are shitty


babs February 1 2021, 01:59:07 UTC
sadly, a lot of those things are ingrained in some people and banning everyone for saying stupid shit sometimes isn't the way to go. i do believe people can learn and grow from their mistakes as long as they don't try to avoid shame (a necessary ingredient for growth imo) or embarrassment for fucking up

but people like miley cyrus need to be banned unless someone is posting about stupid shit she is saying so we can always keep that fresh in our minds. her sad apology (which she made about her) and subsequent statements about how much of a great person she is is evidence that she'll never learn

but ppl don't gaf about racism in this community tbh. i truly believe users here do feel something when they initially hear about it, but they're content with forgetting about it if the person in question has managed to not slip up for a while and that's disturbing to me


myhipusername February 1 2021, 02:18:17 UTC
i believe that because it is so ingrained and shown through every aspect of our lives people let go of the micro aggressions and 'surface level' racism.

i dont agree with you on not banning everyone for the stupid shit they say. if we ban miley for her racism, we should easily ban the others for theirs as well. hold them ALL accountable for what they say as they continue to perpetuate harmful ideologies and actions


babs February 1 2021, 13:02:37 UTC
That's true and tbh one of the many things I view as proof that people cannot change who they are at their core, they can only change their actions, perspectives, and coping mechanisms

Yeah, I'm definitely not saying Miley cyrus is the only racist celebrity we should ban right now lol there are plenty more (hi, Kardashians), we just happen to be in a Miley Cyrus post


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