General Hospital's Erin Hershey Presley blasts teacher for letting her kids watch the inauguration

Jan 24, 2021 13:01

'General Hospital' Actress Blasts Teacher, Refuses to Let Kids Watch Inauguration
- TMZ (@TMZ) January 24, 2021
Reply-all situations... not just for office workers ( Read more... )

fail, flop, politics, actor / actress, soap opera

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kriskross January 24 2021, 18:16:46 UTC
There’s a guy in my neighborhood still flying a Trump flag but it says “make liberals cry again”. Like dude, do you realize you’re wearing your emotions on your flagpole and we can all tell that you’re the one crying? I want drive by blasting Fuck DT but also I don’t really want to give them the attention.


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xtinkerbellax January 24 2021, 19:32:35 UTC
They're incapable of self awareness to the point that they are just utterly delusional. None of what they say is based in any kind of current reality, it's almost fascinating, how someone can be that out of touch with so much.


sugarspice101 January 24 2021, 19:04:17 UTC
A few days ago I saw a sign say “just say no to socialism. Trump 2020.” 🤦🏾‍♀️


bananasnrum January 24 2021, 19:31:33 UTC
There’s a big Trump sign down the road from my house that also says Socialism is the Devil. This person also flies an LGBTQ flag.


bruxelles January 24 2021, 22:07:04 UTC
Someone a few streets over from me had homemade "Stop Socialism. Trump 2020" signs all over their yard before the election and it always made me laugh because it's so fucking stupid


innocentanalyst January 24 2021, 23:41:28 UTC
I saw someone driving with a BLM sign... it said Biden Loves Minors. Ugh, made me sick.


ilovebeaarthur January 25 2021, 13:11:33 UTC
Before the election, there was a janky handmade sign I would drive past every day: Trump or Venezuela.
I just noticed another one last week (which I have no idea why it's still up): Trump or China Wins. The best part is the sun has faded "Trump" on that side.


howlin_wolf_66 January 25 2021, 20:50:38 UTC
Most Republicans have no idea what Socialism is. They think it's interchangeable with Communism.


pikapika217 January 24 2021, 20:22:44 UTC
honestly for a group that happily touted 'fuck your feelings' as a slogan they SURE are in theirs!


frickinawesome7 January 24 2021, 20:38:46 UTC
rosytintedflash January 24 2021, 21:43:18 UTC
sad how they're so much more obsessed with making us cry than like, helping the country


spellgabbana January 24 2021, 21:47:46 UTC
i used to drive past a house around the corner from me that had three trump flags, blasting fdt. they still had two of the flags up until inauguration day. now they just have their american flag on the flagpole upside down. 😂😂😂😂😂 YOU LOVE TO SEE IT.


howlin_wolf_66 January 25 2021, 20:54:23 UTC
That's hilarious.


slinkydinks January 24 2021, 22:19:35 UTC
Nothing quite like letting the world know you're an absolute imbecile.


belle_chouette January 25 2021, 00:42:52 UTC
I live in the woods and there used to be DT flags hanging from the trees by one road, now it’s just one thin blue line with a skull one


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