Hunter Schafer on The Tonight Show

Jan 21, 2021 07:56

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Hunter Schafer talks about driving across the country in her new truck, her new episode of Euphoria and taking Shonda Rhimes’ MasterClass.


euphoria (hbo), jimmy fallon, late night talk show, actor / actress

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1lovelysunday January 21 2021, 13:39:03 UTC
Are the Master Classes worthy, ONTD? i am curious about some of these but I am afraid they are just a rip off


ohwutevernvm January 21 2021, 13:48:53 UTC
I’m intrigued too. Especially by masterclass with Margaret Atwood. But it’s like $15 months billing per month. So I dunno. I’m still curious tho


queasybake January 21 2021, 14:26:45 UTC
some might be worth it, I'm curious too. but some definitely are a rip off. I remember when the ru paul one was announced and people were like LOL WHAT?


euraylie January 21 2021, 15:04:52 UTC
I was wondering as well, but I saw some people say a lot of it is just BS. Stuff you can read in any self-help book, like advice to work hard, believe in your dreams and yourself etc. It probably depends on the topic though, some might lend themselves to more genuine tips and advice


alienjive January 21 2021, 15:55:57 UTC
I wouldn’t pay for it. A lot of it is the same advice you can find for free on YouTube, Reddit, etc.


thecascat January 21 2021, 16:30:18 UTC
there are torrents available 4 all of the major ones so far (including shonda rhimes')!


1lovelysunday January 21 2021, 17:58:48 UTC


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