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callonme_84 January 15 2021, 22:23:40 UTC
Uuum we. Don’t know that.


snortingcoke January 15 2021, 22:24:21 UTC
We know he’s not actually a cannibal.

i'm not even joking. do we???


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snortingcoke January 15 2021, 22:35:17 UTC
those people also aren't crackhead psychopaths from old money so i'm just saying lets not rule it out


rainstormraider January 15 2021, 22:43:00 UTC
These are uncertain and unprecedented times we live in.


melispurple January 15 2021, 22:46:11 UTC
If he would get away with it I think he 100% would. He might have actually already done so with a girl that "won't be missed".


jeff_koons January 16 2021, 01:05:28 UTC
Nope people all over twitter are being really dramatic about a very imaginative version of vore fetish.
What's next, shaming furries? Are there any reports about his sugarbabies claiming what he did was non-consensual?
Like, he's totaly a cheating piece of shit, a mediocre to bad actor and was driving under the influence but legitimatelly assuming he killed a person to eat their flesh over some kinky/creepy messages is a huge stretch.


witchyspice January 16 2021, 01:43:25 UTC
honestly this is such a bad take lmao - it's fair enough if you haven't kept up with the scandal but calling these women sugar babies (based on what info i'm not sure?) and not looking up stuff before commenting is a lot.

there's like 4-5 posts now with plenty DMs in the comments and many women talking about exactly what kind of abuser/predator he is and how, yes, he raped them and yet here you are. people are hyperfocusing on the cannibalism, sure, but most of them are making jokes and ignoring the VERY REAL information pertaining to everything he's done to multiple women, including the very post yesterday in which one of his exes speaks about how he abused her to the extent she signed herself up for PTSD in patient treatment


bellwetherr January 16 2021, 02:07:36 UTC
full offense but do some fucking research before you come in here about "sugarbabies" and kink-shaming

they paid for all their shit because he cried broke AND he abused them, so rethink your comments about people being dramatic.


snortingcoke January 16 2021, 02:13:29 UTC
this broke ass bitch raped his mistresses by continuing after they told him to stop, and then making them relive that trauma by saying that their distress was turning him on even more. this man is an actual psychopath whose only kink is pushing women past their comfort limits, and he will continue to do that until he's stopped. it costs you nothing to keep your damn mouth shut


ohmylol January 16 2021, 02:25:24 UTC
you are a man, shut the fuck up and fuck off


chiives January 16 2021, 03:06:12 UTC
What's next, shaming furries?




jafeel January 16 2021, 04:46:57 UTC
i got into a huge argument on reddit ofc for calling vore a disgusting fetish especially the animal kind. its insane how heated people get about this kind of stuff like sorry i will kink shame you fucking weirdo 🤷🏻‍♀️


chiives January 16 2021, 06:29:41 UTC
truly i do not understand how being accepting of all and any kinks became a "woke" thing (or sex-positive thing). Like, okay, as a fantasy thing, I mostly get it. But if you sext someone with "wanting to (literally) consume your flesh", I will block, screencap and shame the fuck out of you, idec.


myneckmyback January 16 2021, 03:25:37 UTC
why talk about something you know nothing about


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