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cbluechicken January 13 2021, 19:14:23 UTC
Long Island is truly awful. Every time people say New York is so liberal I'm like no, NEW YORK CITY is liberal. New York State is a red trash bag in most places. I was so glad to get out of there.


tippani January 13 2021, 19:26:56 UTC
Only certain parts of NYC is liberal too. Staten Island is trash as we all know, but there are pockets of Brooklyn and Queens that are conservative. Also NYPD bootlickers.


queer_bee January 13 2021, 19:39:22 UTC
This. The Dominicans in Astoria and the Jewish, Russian and Italian communities in Brooklyn are known to be major Trumpers. And then you have the cops and their families in Staten and LI.


dandyxwarhol January 13 2021, 19:56:09 UTC
THIIIIIISSSS. I mean I understand why it has a liberal reputation but honestly the people I encounter there are really 50/50. From the conservative traditional family types to liberal elites that step on the poor it really is a mixed up fantasy land.


ferelden January 13 2021, 21:34:42 UTC
Bay Ridge in Brooklyn is so YIKES republican.


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cbluechicken January 13 2021, 19:31:02 UTC
I've noticed that too. People born and raised in LI don't want to leave. A woman I knew was like that and I was SHOCKED when I found out she moved to Brooklyn.


tippani January 13 2021, 19:58:15 UTC
Yep, I went to a major state university in Long Island that is known for its low tuition for NY residents so it was popular among Long Islanders. Some people left, but quite a few stayed and fall into one of those two categories.


queer_bee January 13 2021, 19:36:18 UTC
IKR. Long Island is very red like second to Staten Island.


umilicious January 13 2021, 20:09:35 UTC
This is how I feel about Seattle and Washington, and really the entire country


andisprohi January 13 2021, 20:13:25 UTC
goldenhera January 13 2021, 20:17:56 UTC
Staten Island though...and parts of BK and Queens


cbluechicken January 13 2021, 22:59:17 UTC
No I know, I suppose I just mean that NY is blue strictly bc of NYC. South Brooklyn is really red. But I'm not surprised. My BF lives there and whenever I was there, a lot of Trump signs and Blue Lives Matter


carminaburana January 13 2021, 21:09:17 UTC
LOL no lies detected. I lived on the North Shore for a while years ago for college and being there as an Arab right after 9/11 was really fucking stressful. The town was super red and conservative.


boomstick January 13 2021, 21:11:06 UTC
I live north of NYC and fortunately my town is pretty damn liberal. But I dated a guy who lived east of Syracuse in a really small town, and hooooly shit I have to laugh when people talk about how liberal NY is.

I remember going up there with him to visit family before Obama was first elected, and I saw more than one house with a giant "LYNCH HIM" sign in their front yard. It was fucking disgusting.


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