In Buzzfeed Repeats Itself News: TV Couples That Shouldn't Have Happened

Jan 10, 2021 14:32

Looking at you, Pretty Little Liars.
- BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) January 10, 2021

5 random ones:

- Fez and Jackie from That 70s Show

- Caroline and Alaric from The Vampire Diaries

- Ray and Marnie from Girls

- Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill

- Coach and Cece from New Girl


Looking at old posts to remember ( Read more... )

glee (fox), degrassi (netflix), new girl (fox), greys anatomy (abc), list, pretty little liars (freeform), riverdale (cw), gossip girl (cw)

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lovelydress2087 January 10 2021, 20:11:01 UTC
I had forgotten some of these existed.
I do not agree with Buffy and Riley. Riley was exactly what Buffy needed at the time, not a vampire.

I'm going to watch Riverdale this season because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but Archie and Veronica is like the whole point of the show so I don't agree with that. Betty and Jughead however should have never happened because he's a weirdo. Look at his hat, it's how you know.


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lovelydress2087 January 10 2021, 20:21:05 UTC
It's been a while since I've watched seasons 4 and 5. I don't think Riley was great I just think he was not a vampire and that's what she needed. I'm pretty sure, from what I can remember, Riley was a fuck boi that got addicted to being bitten by vampires (did they ever go further into that because I feel like vampire feeding brothels seem better than all the murders?) and who married the first person he met that wasn't Buffy. But he wasn't dead and she needed alive people at the time. I feel like I'm tainted by the end of her and Angel and the joy they had when Angel was a human for a day (on Angel)


bluestoplights January 10 2021, 21:05:26 UTC
Riley s4 was mostly fine iirc, s5 he was such a crybaby. Seems like they just wanted to write him off so they came up with a SL that was shitty enough for no one to miss him. I wish Buffy had more normal boyfriends though.


notoriousreign January 10 2021, 20:24:17 UTC
I'm watching Riverdale too no shame. I'm here for that camp lol.


stf_ugh January 10 2021, 20:50:11 UTC
Buffy didn’t need that whiney “my gf is stronger then me!!! A man!!! Whose supposed to be protecting HER??!!! She rolls away from me when she’s asleep lemme go get bit by female vampires bc THEY need me!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭” bitch.

Lmao I fucking hate Riley.


ahkna January 10 2021, 21:14:30 UTC
Riley is without a doubt milquetoast, but he's also Buffy's absolute best boyfriend by a mile.

He didn't attempt to rape her and he didn't murder her friends. The bar is THAT low for Buffy's men.


insomniachobs January 10 2021, 22:59:27 UTC
Does Scott Hope count as a boyfriend or did they not date long enough? Because he treated her by far better than any of the rest. Only thing he did wrong was have a new prom date super quick but that was clearly just to draw a line under him to make way for more Bangel angst lol


halevy January 11 2021, 06:04:20 UTC
i can't stand bughead. they're insufferable sociopaths together.


crazyfreakyaj January 11 2021, 08:58:13 UTC
veronica/archie is the point of the show how?


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