"Green Arrow and the Canaries" is dead, RIP

Jan 09, 2021 01:56

➡️ The CW is officially not moving forward with Green Arrow and the Canaries, its planned spinoff from long-running superhero series #Arrow

➡️ It could still happen for #The100 prequel, though https://t.co/pcPKArPSlU
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) January 8, 2021
The CW is officially not moving forward with Green Arrow and the Canaries, its planned ( Read more... )

arrow (cw)

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barbychanftw January 8 2021, 21:11:26 UTC
It still boggles my mind how Arrow had a character like Laurel Lance, who battled depression and alcoholism, had every single person in her life let her down, and still managed to get back up and move forward... only to be brutally killed off, have her last words be about her asshole's ex-boyfriend new relationship and be replaced by two different characters. So I really can't mourn this spin-off not being picked up. Women aren't interchangeable objects.


a_files06 January 8 2021, 21:53:57 UTC
Having your sister cheat with your boyfriend and your mother knew and encouraged it? WHATTTTT

Go through survivors guilt and have your sister/ex bf flaunt their relationship in front of you? WHATTTT

Protect the city when your ex bf is presumed dead only for him to come back and tell you to fuck off the steets? WHATTTTT

Have your ex bf consider distancing himself from you to win votes for mayor after you help him save the city every day? WHATTTTT


barbychanftw January 8 2021, 21:59:12 UTC
Ugh, I hate remembering all of this :/ And it kills me that Sara never apologized to Laurel for having an affair with Oliver and that Laurel was treated as a villain for having feelings about the situation. Oliver also never apologized for all the awful things he said to Laurel. He even mocked her addiction!! Told her she wasn't a hero!! And yet Laurel was still killed off to give him more angst... don't even get me started on Quentin freaking Lance and his awful parenting skills.


stillglows January 8 2021, 22:17:21 UTC
i just don't get why so many people saw laurel as the bad person in the sara situation. yes, sara went through bad she but she was so awful to laurel and showed no regard or care for the fact that laurel was an addict.


barbychanftw January 8 2021, 23:47:03 UTC
Because the show tried to frame Laurel as the bad guy. Sara showed up at the family dinner with Oliver and started making eyes at him, and then Laurel (rightfully) gets pissed off and Oliver goes on an asshole rant talking about how he will pay for her drinks and how Laurel always blames other people for her problems (even tho he watched Laurel break down and blame herself over Tommy's death a few episodes ealier). And then they had Laurel apologize to Sara, even tho she didn't do anything bad.


ivy_b January 8 2021, 23:46:20 UTC
Preach. Just checked to see that I still have my Laurel icon, because fuck Error, they did her so dirty and she deserved better.


stillglows January 8 2021, 21:58:15 UTC
i was already half checked out of arrow but i gave up on the cw dc as a whole after they killed her off. she couldn't even die on her own terms too, she died because of men, she died to hurt men.


barbychanftw January 8 2021, 22:02:52 UTC
Yup, I pretty much quit all the DCTV shows after that happened (the sidelining of Iris and James on The Flash and Supergirl didn't help either). They didn't even bother to give her a hero's death. She was unable to move, helpless, and only killed so her ex and father could have something new to cry about.


stillglows January 8 2021, 22:13:44 UTC
ugh poor james. i loved s1 of supergirl but as soon as it moved to the cw? no thanks.


a_files06 January 8 2021, 22:06:45 UTC
She died because of men and Olicity. Like not only are her last words "I know you dont love me but you should be with Felicity" THEN they also have her go "Replace me as the Black Canary, find a new one"

And all of this because "there is no more "story" to tell" HUH? You barely scratched the surface.


stillglows January 8 2021, 22:15:37 UTC
no more story to tell but let's bring in some random we'll actually let be a meta-human and we'll actually call her dinah even though before we said that was unrealistic and dinah was too old-fashioned.

i hate it.


barbychanftw January 8 2021, 23:35:44 UTC
They easily could have made Laurel a meta-human by having her go to Central City and get hit by the particle exalerator.


a_files06 January 8 2021, 23:56:00 UTC
Right! Especially with knowing Flash was doing Flashpoint. Perfect timing.


barbychanftw January 8 2021, 23:58:31 UTC
They could have redeemed themselves by bringing back Laurel when Barry created Flashpoint, but instead gave Diggle a son instead of a daughter. Unbelievable.


a_files06 January 9 2021, 00:01:27 UTC
And now Diggle gets a 5 episode arc across all the shows and Laurel once again gets nada.


ahkna January 8 2021, 22:10:05 UTC
The worst is that during the crossover this year, Oliver did a whole bunch of stuff like bringing his mom back from the dead. But left Laurel dead. They couldn't throw fans a single bone even as the show was ending. Oliver was a piece of shit right up to the end.


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