Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Who Didn't Survive the Final Episodes?

Jan 03, 2021 23:05

#ChillingAdventuresOfSabrina: Who Didn't Survive the Final Episodes?
- (@TVLine) January 3, 2021


The show ended its 4 season run with a bit of a body count

so who did not survive the show:

[spoilers ahead]
Dorian Gray
Sabrina Morningstar
Baby Adam
Father Blackwood
Nicholas Scratch
Sabrina Spellman

well that show ( Read more... )

spoilers, netflix

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leenerific January 3 2021, 23:06:03 UTC
I thought for sure that Lillith killing Adam would be a fake out to trick Lucifer so she could ahve him be raised safely somewhere else for 16 years but nope, she actually just bloodily murdered her son and then....didn't really care? Like after thinking she was being haunted by Adam and then she stabbed Lazerus, she was just like "Welp I'll just take over hell again"

Like part 3 wasn't great but part 4 was just so bad? They had way too easy a time with the Eldritch terrors especially since that trinket salesman just kept popping up with exactly what they needed when they needed it (but he was never explained so he was just some guy? I thought he was going to end up being God meddling or some other deity and ???? nothing?)

I know they didn't know this was going to be the end so they probably just put that Sabrina and Nick scene in at the end but it literally was the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.

I HATED the blase way they treated Sabrina Morningstar. They had Zelda be at the end being like "If you knew them, they were clearly the same person" and I'm like but they weren't anymore? And the fact you were just like, sweet let's just used her dead body and then not tell Lucifer or Caliban that she died? And then have a birthday party for "the real" Sabrina after and not one person, including Sabrina Spellman seemed sad?

Also Sabrina was written as one of the most unlikeable show leads I've watched in a while. She never grew up, never learned to not be so selfish or to do the right thing. Even her dying in the end was just whatever.

I could go on for days. I mean I had nothing else to do but really I shouldn't have bothered getting caught up lol


fernandocolunga January 3 2021, 23:09:46 UTC
also it was way too convenient that the salesman never tried to trick them. like he was just there to genuinely help with his trinkets like what


jumelles_mach6 January 3 2021, 23:36:31 UTC
I was waiting for him to be a trickster! But he was literally so helpful? Talk about a walking talking plot device. Like the writers gotta give me more than that? Who is he?


friarsfire January 3 2021, 23:20:58 UTC
I agree with a fair number of your criticisms but I do have one question. [Spoiler (click to open)]How was her giving her life to save the world not doing anything selfless?


leenerific January 3 2021, 23:33:32 UTC
She was a very selfish person and doing one thing that save the world that happened to kill her doesn't make her any less lol

(Also they were clearly not planning on having her stay dead but then they got cancelled so they added the final scene)


pseudonygma January 4 2021, 01:41:39 UTC
The show could be summed up as a white girl power trip fantasy. No consequences whatsoever. Sabrina could be as pompous, flippant, self-centered and entitled as she wants.

I really hate the way she speaks to some of the adults. The scenes where she gets specialized witches of the coven to help, she's practically ordering them to hurry up and then completely ignoring them once the task is done without so much of a glance or thank you. Like you said, she never grows as a person. If anything, she's worst off by the end than she was in season one yet she still ends up where she ends up? Makes no sense.


scorpionbreeze January 5 2021, 18:58:12 UTC
I thought the trinket guy was going to be the last terror, and was just helping them to gauge their powers/learn their thought processes, but nooooooooooope.


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