Lets revisit the Hillary & Alec Baldwin wedding from 2012

Dec 30, 2020 16:07

EXCLUSIVE: Inside Hilaria and Alec Baldwin's wedding as she later boasted of bringing 'a bit of my culture' https://t.co/qlKwihjRuq
- Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) December 30, 2020

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alec baldwin, marriage / wedding

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starsremain December 30 2020, 16:59:46 UTC
Cackling. Her kids are gonna have the best time forever explaining that they don’t have any relation to Spain but their names come from a long con their mom pulled way back when. Lol.

I saw she did a NYT interview? I haven’t read it but the takes I see are that they basically let her off and didn’t push on anything?


23want December 30 2020, 17:02:56 UTC
I love she admits indirectly to naming her kid after an ex-boyfriend. The internet knew!


arilicious December 30 2020, 19:00:55 UTC
holy shit did she? that's insane


nutmegdealer December 30 2020, 19:52:05 UTC
yes, in her subreddit, one of her old students said she had a bf named edu...


r4wrdinosaur December 30 2020, 20:33:01 UTC
Omg, I can't believe she has her on subreddit! And it was created a month ago, well before this gossip started making the rounds. WTF?!


uncledeshawnali December 30 2020, 17:45:02 UTC
Yeah I just read it and they were super soft on her. She clearly did not want to get specific about how much time she actually spent in Spain as a child and it seems like they didn't push her to. She also repeated her claim that she moved back to the US for good when she was 19 but there was no mention in the article that she went to high school in Boston.

I get that as far as we know she didn't commit any crimes and the pile on is probably excessive, but completely letting her use their platform to brush aside the criticism after she's been so clearly caught is a weird choice.


slinkydinks December 30 2020, 19:31:00 UTC
People are probably mostly just bored, and the story is too salacious not to join in on the fun. In a way, I feel bad for her considering it was mostly harmless(?) delusion. But on the other hand: she's rich and white. So I don't really give a flying rat's ass.


sweet_heloise December 30 2020, 20:13:48 UTC
IDK how harmless it was considering she agreed to be interviewed by Latina magazine and she allowed them to identify her as Spanish-American. She even told a story about being oppressed because of her dark features and accent (i.e. getting mistaken for her children's nanny) smh


slinkydinks December 30 2020, 22:57:54 UTC
*sigh* White people want so bad to be able to deny their privilege.


thereinventions December 30 2020, 19:47:14 UTC
The excuse as to why her parents weren't present, because of Alec being famous and protecting their privacy. Bitch, you didn't want them to expose you.


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