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arnaudian December 28 2020, 01:24:26 UTC
she's had a LOT of work done


mangosmuggler December 28 2020, 02:43:33 UTC
and yet still so plain looking 😂🤔


syvlie0o0 December 28 2020, 04:11:58 UTC
This is a photo shoot, of course they photoshopped her to within an inch of her life? On her Instagram she looks the same as usual.


ahkna December 28 2020, 13:33:11 UTC
It took me ages to realize that the reason I couldn't recognize her in anything was because of how much surgery she's had. Her nose jobs changed her face a lot.


bossm December 28 2020, 14:51:26 UTC
I had problems to recognize her in pictures where I knew that it’s her. Her nose looked completely normal. Why did she do it? She made herself look so bland.


mandramoddle December 28 2020, 17:53:49 UTC
Lol, I wonder who thumbs downed this comment. Brie, that you?


marzipanism December 28 2020, 01:41:32 UTC
You can very clearly see where they're overdrawn

The lipliner is outside of her lip line.


friarsfire December 28 2020, 02:52:55 UTC
I first read this as “hips” and I was very confused.


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